EQ on a clean boost makes no sense. First of all, the clean boost is by its nature supposed to be as flat/linear as possible. So EQ immediately destroys that idea. And then EQ always introduces phase errors that are frequency dependent, so again that's not one of the goals of a clean boost.
If you want a boost with EQ, just buy a Boss graphic EQ pedal, and set the output level to a value greater than unity gain. It's relatively cheap, and is similar to the idea behind a clean boost, because you're using it to boost your signal to overload whatever it's plugged into rather than using it to internally clip or distort the signal. With all of the sliders set to zero except the master gain one (which is set to a positive value) the EQ pedal acts like a clean boost. But as soon as there's any tone controls, it's not so clean anymore. Which is fine. But different.
clean boost pedal
11"The bastards have landed"
www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album
www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album