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Thinking of going to Chicago!?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:36 am
by bassman_Archive
Heeby Jeeby wrote:Belmont is a cool place to hang around.

Cabrini Green is nice at night, for a romantic dinner or whatever.

cool,i'll be sure to check em out,what about good venues for gigs?

Thinking of going to Chicago!?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:46 am
by El Protoolio_Archive
bassman wrote:
Heeby Jeeby wrote:Belmont is a cool place to hang around.

Cabrini Green is nice at night, for a romantic dinner or whatever.

cool,i'll be sure to check em out,what about good venues for gigs?

Cabrini Green is public housing with a notorious reputation for guns, drugs and other crimes although it is about to be razed to the ground and holds only a fraction of it's peak population. Methinks Heeby Jeeby was kidding you.

You should look at under "Music" for venues and shows.

Also since you will be here during 4th of July you will get a good taste of the insanity that goes on every year at that time. You will know what I mean after you go through it.

Also, also, since I will assume you are a drinker some bars are open until 4 am and on Saturdays all bars are open an hour later than normal. That means 2 am bars = 3 am bars and 4 am bars = 5 am bars. There is nothing like riding the L home on a sunny summer Sunday morning after closing a bar at 5 am.

Oh and speaking of "taste" the Taste Of Chicago should be going on at that time. It's a food festival in Grant Park. You have to buy food tickets but if you are staying downtown it might be a good thing to do because you can go there for lunch every day and get a good whiff of tens of thousands of fat, sweaty Chicagoans. It would be the best way to taste as much of the food Chicago has to offer that you can. Hundreds of local restaurants are represented.

But now that I think about it Taste usually ends on the 4th doesn't it? Marsupe?

Thinking of going to Chicago!?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:00 pm
by bassman_Archive
led astray by a fellow irishman...

el protoolio,you Sir are a gent!

Thinking of going to Chicago!?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:03 pm
by j_harvey_Archive
El Protoolio wrote:Taste Of Chicago

Yikes. I would recommend avoiding the Taste if you can... although it might be hard to if you are staying downtown. It's just too crowded. Seas of people eating pizza on a stick. Not fun.

Thinking of going to Chicago!?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:05 pm
by unsaved_Archive
Marsupialized wrote:
bassman wrote:not too big on soap either...

Shocking, coming from an Irishman

I sure was fooled as a kid by those Irish Spring commercials, with the guy carving a bar of soap with a big-ass knife.

Thinking of going to Chicago!?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:18 pm
by PEPPER!_Archive
j_harvey wrote:
El Protoolio wrote:Taste Of Chicago

Yikes. I would recommend avoiding the Taste if you can... although it might be hard to if you are staying downtown. It's just too crowded. Seas of people eating pizza on a stick. Not fun.

seconded, it's fucking horrible. I am going to watch Stevie Wonder though.

Thinking of going to Chicago!?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:34 pm
by El Protoolio_Archive
PEPPER! wrote:
j_harvey wrote:
El Protoolio wrote:Taste Of Chicago

Yikes. I would recommend avoiding the Taste if you can... although it might be hard to if you are staying downtown. It's just too crowded. Seas of people eating pizza on a stick. Not fun.

seconded, it's fucking horrible. I am going to watch Stevie Wonder though.

Look he's a tourist and Taste is a touristy thing to do and definitely a good way to try a lot of the food Chicago has in a short amount of time. Just because I haven't been to it since 1986 and avoided it like the plague every year I lived in Chicago because of all the drunk and sweaty Chicagoans I still think it is something that a tourist might be interested in doing but only if they are going to be near there anyway. If he is staying anywhere else than da south Loop then no I would not recommend making a special trip to it. But if he's downtown everyday anyway and has to buy all his meals then why not?

But yeah Bassman a lot of the locals don't really go for it because of the crowds, etc. And then there is Marsupialized.

Oh and don't forget to stop at Hot Dougs while you are there. If you can only go to one place to eat I would suggest you go there and go later in the afternoon during a weekday to avoid the insane lines. If you get caught in a line it is still worth waiting for because you may never get another chance to go.

Thinking of going to Chicago!?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:34 pm
by turnbullac_Archive
for someone who is visiting from abroad, the taste should be experienced once. I like to go dressed up in some weird costume to make it fun

Thinking of going to Chicago!?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 1:12 pm
by Marsupialized_Archive
If you are a fucking momo and go to the taste when it's at it's most crowded, I don't know what to tell you. Yeah that would suck. Worse than most things I can imagine.
There are plenty of hours to visit the taste where it's not that crowded or hot, go in the weekday evenings and it's a really fantastic time. I look forward to it every year.

Someone said the locals don't go to the taste. Yes, those 3 1/2 MILLION people who go every year are all from Indiana, right?

Thinking of going to Chicago!?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 1:23 pm
by El Protoolio_Archive
Marsupialized wrote:If you are a fucking momo and go to the taste when it's at it's most crowded, I don't know what to tell you. Yeah that would suck. Worse than most things I can imagine.
There are plenty of hours to visit the taste where it's not that crowded or hot, go in the weekday evenings and it's a really fantastic time. I look forward to it every year.

Someone said the locals don't go to the taste. Yes, those 3 1/2 MILLION people who go every year are all from Indiana, right?

Yeah either that or the suburbs. Or Ireland.