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recreational activity - shrooming

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 2:56 pm
by Angry_Dragon_Archive
kansas wrote:shrooms are for pussies... real mean trip on robotussin. drink 3-4 bottles and i promise you'll trip balls. legally. but you'll puke... and you can't ever have that flavor again... ok, actually it kinda sucks.

3-4 bottles? 1 isn't enough? I remember seeing Storm and Stress under those conditions and I just sat there next to the stage curled up into a little ball and completely frightened for my life. One of the best shows I ever saw that venue oddly enough.

recreational activity - shrooming

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 3:02 pm
by kansas_Archive
it might be, i just remember mulitiple bottles. it happened the same every time. you'd pass out, wake up an hour later and puke your brains out, and then spend a good 5-8 hours fuct. i remember losing my depth perception. i couldn't walk up stairs... but like i said, after every time i could never smell that flavor again. so i only got to do it like 4 times. and still to this day i can't smell cough syrup.

recreational activity - shrooming

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 5:30 am
by ironyengine_Archive
Ahh, guaifenisen. The finest part of any Robo-trip.

Seriously, the only right way to eat DXM is to get pure stuff, preferably in pre-capsuled form from a dude with a giant bag of it who calls it "manthrax." No worrying about your gag reflex (unless you have a really hard time swallowing pills), no worrying about the Tussin being ruined for you forever, and most of all no fucking puking. The best part is it's technically not even illegal, so if you're going to do this to yourself there is no excuse for not doing it right.

And I think Storm & Stress produces that reaction in everyone, sober or tripping.

recreational activity - shrooming

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 3:32 pm
by pdc_heavy_Archive
I dig shroomage. Yeah, the taste is awful but my trick is to wolf down 2.5 grams with a Snickers bar and I honestly can't taste the grossness. Any dose higher than that and I get uncomfortable (you know, fearing that you'll sink through the carpet if you get up, etc.). The moderate euphoria and increased senses are the best.

I recently ate a nice long stem and cap and watched most of the Led Zep DVD in 5.1 surround. My wife told me she's never seen me smile more than on that day. The next day, I felt, as one poster above stated, like my thoughts had been reprogrammed to the positive side.

recreational activity - shrooming

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 12:57 am
by BenjieLoveless_Archive
You fuckin punk kids! dont' you know how to make freakin tea?

Tea is not Crap!!!!
TAke the shrooms put em in a cup
Water just under boiling
Add water to cup and cover with plate
wait 10 minutes.
Big mug full of blue ink
drink it.

recreational activity - shrooming

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 12:11 pm
by full point_Archive
Well, I almost didn't UTFSF AGAIN!!!

Anyway, yes, here in the PNW it's nature's treat that pops up around the "witching season".

I say NC.

recreational activity - shrooming

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 1:05 pm
by Marsupialized_Archive
Let me tell y'all a story about shrooms. gather 'round.
A friend and I buy a big fat ounce of mushrooms a few years back.
Big ass bag overflowing with shrooms. Around this time in my life I was doing drugs like a fucking lunatic, I was under the assumption that I was some sort of superhuman who could take massive amounts of whatever was around and not have it effect me badly ever.
We meet up in a terrible bar downtown and proceed to eat the entire ounce of shrooms in about 15 minutes just gobling them down like popcorn. Probably 30 or 40 caps each. I remember shaking the little bits and powder from the bottom of the bag into a glass of whiskey and chugging it down.
We get up to go to a different terrible bar to meet some junkie girls we worked with.
At some point while walking toward the bar ZAMMMMO!
By the time I reached the second bar, I was fucked in a way I have never been fucked before. No sense of what was happening whatsoever.
I remember sitting in the bar looking around and everyone in the bar was a skeleton, and not like 'haha! wooo! I'm wasted everyone is a skeleton!' this was the single most terrifying moment of my life. Just scared shitless of the skeletons, I knew they'd notice me at some point and attack. They had a moose head on the wall wearing sunglasses and it was staring at me telling me through some sort of mind link that he was very disappointed in me for being there and look what they did to him and I was next.
I bolt out of the bar and look up into the sky and see the Sears tower. I decided I must get to the top of the Sears tower.
I do not remember exactally what happened at the Sears tower but it ended up with security taking me outside and telling me never to come back or else they will call the cops.
Hearing the word 'cops' made me start running away, I ran and ran.
Next thing I remember I am standing in front of some Asian tourists who are trying to take pictures.
I am jumping in front of them and going 'ahhhhhhhh!'
The say something about the cops. Again I start running.
I see I am running toward a busy street, I remember saying to myself 'you have to stop before you get to that street or else....' then WHAM!
I got smashed by a car, I flew up in the air and landed on the sidewalk.
The guy gets out of his car and starts screaming 'what the fuck is wrong with you!?' I get up and start running.
I make my way back to the bar I left earlier and see my friends sitting outside. I sit down and inspect my injuries. I have a massive bruise down the entire side of my body and my arm is all cut up and bleeding.
The waitress says 'you have to drink if you wanna sit here' I say I do not want a drink she insists. For some reason I take out a hundred dollar bill and say 'if I give you this, will you get the fuck away from me and not come back?' zoink! she grabs it and walks away.
It's all very garbled, but next thing I remember an El train driver is kicking me waking me up. I am on the floor of an Empty El train at Midway airport, just covered in puke. Puke everywhere.
I get up and I don't know where my keys are. Gone. My jacket. Gone.
I look in my wallet and all my money is gone I had just gotten paid for 2 weeks, like a thousand bucks a few hours earlier and I didnt have a cent left.
I have never ever touched shrooms again. The thought makes my stomach and body tighten up in a weird, unpleasent way.
Too many shrooms=not much fun, trust me.

recreational activity - shrooming

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 1:14 pm
by full point_Archive
Marsup, what were you thinking?

Eating too many shrooms is never a good thing. We've all had THAT trip. Usually from some hesher saying "dude, eat them ALL! Ha Ha!!"

One soon realizes that eating too many of these results in about 5 or 6 hours of mental/emotional anguish and/or gastrointestinal hell.

Moderation, mon frere!

recreational activity - shrooming

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 1:22 pm
by Marsupialized_Archive
full point wrote:Marsup, what were you thinking?

Eating too many shrooms is never a good thing. We've all had THAT trip. Usually from some hesher saying "dude, eat them ALL! Ha Ha!!"

One soon realizes that eating too many of these results in about 5 or 6 hours of mental/emotional anguish and/or gastrointestinal hell.

Moderation, mon frere!

I did not know the meaning of that word.
Next time I'll tell the story about the boredoms show on 10 hits of acid.

recreational activity - shrooming

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 5:58 pm
by full point_Archive
Do tell, 'Supe!!