dabrasha wrote:Taking some liberties with your thread title, there was the instance of Capitol handing Thelonious Monster's Bob Forrest $500,000 for one record.
Bob spent very little on the record (Beautiful Mess), and spent the rest buying a nice house and a boatload of heroin. .
Back in 1989, a band I was in opened for Thelonious Monster; it was a college gig, and the kid running the show took Bob and the band out for dinner before they went on. The promoters let the TM guys have as many drinks with dinner as they wanted, and by the time they got to the hall, they were too drunk to stand up straight, let alone play. They accidentally blew out the PA system and ended up using the monitors as tweeters. What a disaster!
I always liked the story about All (you know, the former Descendents guys). They got signed to Interscope and got an advance in the high six figures. They built themselves a studio and recorded their album
Pummel themselves. It came out and Interscope footed the bill for a tour. By the time they got home,
Pummel had sank like a rock, since Interscope were busy with their Death Row hip-hop stuff at the time and didn't bother to promote any of their alt-rock signings. Interscope decided they screwed the pooch and not only let All out of their contract with no strings attached, but gave them the rights to
Pummel as a going-away present. A friend of mine talked to Karl Alvarez about it, who said that while they ended up throwing away about two years of their lives dealing with a major, they got a studio and a decent paycheck for their troubles so they didn't have much to complain about.