Rick Reuben wrote:None of what you say about policing the religious nut cases means a damn thing until you attack the head of the snake. You don't reform a crooked belief system. You destroy it, and rid the system of the toxins.
Rick Reuben wrote:None of what you say about policing the religious nut cases means a damn thing until you attack the head of the snake. You don't reform a crooked belief system. You destroy it, and rid the system of the toxins.
Rick Reuben wrote:Edit those words out or I'm contacting a moderator.
Rick Reuben wrote:You're serious? Try free speech, for starters. Tell the truth. Speak about who has the money and tell how they got it. What do you think 'concentrated money power' means? It means it's concentrated in one place- the financial world. Wall Street, London, the central banks. If you had hornets on your property would you swat individual hornets as they flew by, or would you locate the hive?honeyisfunny wrote:Rick Reuben wrote:Why don't you atheists try and do something useful for society? Go after concentrated money power.
Everyone who looks at history has always known why societies rot from the core: excessive greed and excessive militarism. Look for who profits from money and war and you will find the malignant tumor that has burrowed into every society that sells its soul for the devil's bargain of money from debt.
( I know you weren't looking for a real answer, but I wrote one anyway. )
Colonel Panic wrote:Anybody who gazes directly into a laser is an idiot.
Rick Reuben wrote:
Who cares about the messenger? The message is everything.
If you really were disturbed about the world, you would be making yourself heard in any medium you could.
Rick Reuben wrote:I don't care.honeyisfunny wrote:.
Don't you get it?
The story here is not what you think about my personality.
Who cares about the messenger? The message is everything. Finding fault with the messenger is just one more lame excuse cooked up by those who don't want to tell the truth about 9/11, elite money power, and designed wars for profit.I don't care. Until you act on it, I don't care. If you really were disturbed about the world, you would be making yourself heard in any medium you could. I see no evidence that you are. It's laughable that you wrote eight paragraphs about me. In the time that took, you could have written eight paragraphs about elite money power. But you didn't.I frequently agree with things you say.
If you have something to say, prove it.
Rick Reuben wrote:
There's only one real battle, and that is to educate people to this fact: capitalism, along with debt and speculation, is a crime. People must be made to understand that economic calamities and chronic wealth inequities are the work of sinister, immoral scum, and not the result of some unpredictable systemic breakdown. People must be taught to recognize the villains.
The failure of the modern progressive movement is this: it insists on compromising with the greedheads, in an effort to form a more humane economic system. That's a completely failed strategy. There is no need to accomodate human greed in any economic system. Those who are driven by greed must be eliminated before any rebuilding can commence...
Rick Reuben wrote:
There's only one real battle, and that is to educate people to this fact: capitalism, along with debt and speculation, is a crime. People must be made to understand that economic calamities and chronic wealth inequities are the work of sinister, immoral scum, and not the result of some unpredictable systemic breakdown. People must be taught to recognize the villains.
The failure of the modern progressive movement is this: it insists on compromising with the greedheads, in an effort to form a more humane economic system. That's a completely failed strategy. There is no need to accomodate human greed in any economic system. Those who are driven by greed must be eliminated before any rebuilding can commence...
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