Rick Reuben wrote:honeyisfunny wrote:.
I don't care.
Don't you get it?
The story here is not what you think about my personality.
Who cares about the messenger? The message is everything. Finding fault with the messenger is just one more lame excuse cooked up by those who don't want to tell the truth about 9/11, elite money power, and designed wars for profit.
I frequently agree with things you say.
I don't care. Until you act on it, I don't care. If you really were disturbed about the world, you would be making yourself heard in any medium you could. I see no evidence that you are. It's laughable that you wrote eight paragraphs about me. In the time that took, you could have written eight paragraphs about elite money power. But you didn't.
If you have something to say, prove it.
Everything you say is so presumptious, it's like you pick a subject in order to debate it and not to actually exercise the free speech you speak of and try and educate or convert people to your line of thinking. It seems to me you just enjoy an opportunity for some righteous fury or, worse still, smug satisfaction.
You don't know me, you don't know what I do in my day to day life.
About 6 years ago I decided to walk out of my job for a large corporation. They sacked me before I could get the satisfaction of telling them to fuck themselves. Either way, I left. It wasn't the corporation I minded as much as the tax I paid on my earnings and how I couldn't do anything useful with the earnings anyway. For example, any significant purchase that could genuinely affect my quality of life would commit me to debt and hold me in the same job or similar for a long time to come.
So I jacked it in. I decided to only work in jobs for public organisations - like the education sector or the council. I ended up in charge of a yearly budget for the upkeep and improvement of the community centres in the city I live in. Even this was almost as bad as the job before because of the choices the council made and the way they squandered their money.
So I made an active decision to not have a normal day job. This was 3 years ago. Rather than being a decision made from being a lazy bastard, it was made because I felt I wanted to move myself outside of the cycle of money and spending and borrowing somehow. I just wasn't sure how. I opted for self employment and I earn just enough to live on, something in the region of £3000 a year, usually less. This places me below the tax bracket so I pay no income tax each year and it also makes me legible for assistance in paying my rent which, as someone who has given enough money to the government over the years, I take gladly.
It has also put me outside of the realm of mortgages, loans and hire purchase by effectively destroying any credit rating I had and giving me no disposable income to even consider it with.
I did all this on purpose. I don't know what my plan is with it in the future. I guess if I impregnate someone soon I may have to change my plans. But at the moment, on a day-to-day basis, I am outside of the loop of money in this country as much as I possibly can be. I've even consdiered emigrating to further distance myself from it and my best friend is doing that very thing in 2 weeks when he moves abroad with his belongings in a car and nowhere to live when he gets there.
Now Rick, this isn't a competition. I fully expect you to also do things on your own part to back up your foamy ranting with actual action. But that's what I do.