scott wrote:The current-production Yorkville/Traynor amps might fit the bill. I had a YCV-40 for a while, and it got a nice really-distorted sound. I always wanted to check out the YCV-80, which is a 4x10" combo, but never did. I'm not really a fan of combo amps, and I just prefer the old-style Traynors so much for the ease in working on them.
Only bad thing I've heard from a couple places about the new Yorkville guitar combo amps is that the cabinets tend to be rattly, and at higher volumes they make noise that can be a problem. A friend of mine even went so far as to add bracing and try to make the connections more solid, and still couldn't get rid of the rattle. So if you're gonna consider one, make sure you play it in person first and give it a good high-volume workout and listen for rattle.
I really like the Laney Pro Tube (some are called AOR, also, even if they don't have the AOR circuitry) 30W and 50W amps, which are from the late 80's/early 90's. I compared the Laney up against my faux-Marshall (JCM800-style), a real JMP master volume, and a JMP Super Lead (non-master) and liked the Laney the best out of all of them, which is why it's what I'm using these days for my dirt amp. I've heard bad about the channel-switching version, which seems reasonable cause channel-switching amps can often suck compared to single-channel. If you're gonna check out one of these old Laneys, I'd make sure it's got 6 knobs and no more. That's the easiest way to identify them.
I actually nearly picked up a laney protube combo on craigslist for 50 bucks, but someone beat me to it and put it on ebay immediately. It was quite a bummer