Stooges equipment stolen Aug. 4 2008

MF wrote:I'm pretty disappointed that the instructions for how to play every song off The Weirdness were nowhere to be found on the list of stolen items.
why would anyone want that?
otisroom wrote:I can't understand why people bring their vintage guitars out on tour. I would shit if this were my stuff.
no shit. what you wanna do is take the $100 guitars and the $50 D.I. boxes, and call it a day.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

Stooges equipment stolen Aug. 4 2008

that damned fly wrote:
MF wrote:I'm pretty disappointed that the instructions for how to play every song off The Weirdness were nowhere to be found on the list of stolen items.
why would anyone want that?
otisroom wrote:I can't understand why people bring their vintage guitars out on tour. I would shit if this were my stuff.
no shit. what you wanna do is take the $100 guitars and the $50 D.I. boxes, and call it a day.

Or just get a playable copy of your vintage instrument and bring that. Keep the super hard to replace 1963 EB-3 at home.

I dunno. Maybe he has 3 of them.

Stooges equipment stolen Aug. 4 2008

Someone just posted this on another forum. I don't know much about GPS devices but it sounds like an absolutely genius idea:

"You know in this day and age if you make enough money it doesn't seem like it would be particularly difficult nor expensive to throw a GPS tracker on the trailer or inside an amp when you are on tour and click that fucker on whenever you go into your hotel for the night. Just a thought."

Stooges equipment stolen Aug. 4 2008

I can't understand why people bring their vintage guitars out on tour. I would shit if this were my stuff.

That's Watt's main bass. It's what he has played almost his entire time as a musician.

ErukthePink wrote:This makes the city of Montreal look quite bad. it's supposed to have LOW crime.

Canadian cities are bad for gear theft in general. Montreal is notoriously bad. We didn't stay over there on our last tour for this exact reason.

You either stay in the van with a bat, take the irreplaceable shit inside, or roll the dice.

I can't say we never roll the dice. I feel bad for those guys.

Stooges equipment stolen Aug. 4 2008

nathan. wrote:I've got hope that Watt's bass will be easier to return than the rest, sort of like how Lee Ranaldo's Bean was one of the few (or was it the only one?) guitars Sonic Youth recovered, due to how identifiable it was.

It was one of the few recovered.

I don't know how the hell the other Sonic Youth guitars weren't easy to find - there had to have been tons of modifications on that shit.

I hope that the Stooges all get their equipment back. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

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