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Woman Tells Teens To Stop Smoking, Is Thrown Onto 3rd Rail

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:27 am
by Tommy Alpha_Archive
This really isn’t news, rather just ‘Kent’/London ‘burbs. Feel bad for the woman but Christ knows why RR saw fit to post it on EA.

Woman Tells Teens To Stop Smoking, Is Thrown Onto 3rd Rail

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:48 am
by B_M_L_Archive
Tommy Alpha wrote:...Christ knows why RR saw fit to post it on EA.

I think the idea is to be provocative and attract attention.

The woman was on the TV last night. She seems ok. Pretty shaken and bruised though.

Woman Tells Teens To Stop Smoking, Is Thrown Onto 3rd Rail

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:26 am
by Heeby Jeeby_Archive
This is shocking!


Woman Tells Teens To Stop Smoking, Is Thrown Onto 3rd Rail

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:31 am
by Rimbaud III_Archive
Tommy Alpha wrote:This really isn’t news, rather just ‘Kent’/London ‘burbs. Feel bad for the woman but Christ knows why RR saw fit to post it on EA.

I think it's clear. Fake liberals and the softly-softly approach to raising kids is making them all stabby and shove-y.

Also, this:


Woman Tells Teens To Stop Smoking, Is Thrown Onto 3rd Rail

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:37 am
by Ty Webb_Archive
Elite bankers don't take the subway for this very reason.

Woman Tells Teens To Stop Smoking, Is Thrown Onto 3rd Rail

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:15 am
by Marsupialized_Archive
If she would have minded her own business, and not taken it upon herself to be the smoke police she wouldn't have gotten thrown on the tracks.
I imagine she she had a serious attitude coming at these dudes if they threw her on the tracks like that.

Woman Tells Teens To Stop Smoking, Is Thrown Onto 3rd Rail

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:24 am
by Big John_Archive
This makes me like London all the more people are to wimpy in New York to do this type of thing any more.

Bravo London!

Discription of the men: wearing white pants, white shirts, durby's and combat boots. A Flock of seagulls cd was found on the scene.

Woman Tells Teens To Stop Smoking, Is Thrown Onto 3rd Rail

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:30 am
by B_M_L_Archive
Marsupialized wrote:If she would have minded her own business, and not taken it upon herself to be the smoke police she wouldn't have gotten thrown on the tracks.
I imagine she she had a serious attitude coming at these dudes if they threw her on the tracks like that.

The laws against smoking on train platforms were introduced in a pretty direct response to fires in the Oxford street station and enforced properly after the Kings Cross fire that killed 31 people when some doofus dumped his cigarette butt at the bottom of an escalator. I smoke, but I can manage to hold off for my commute - as can 99.9 percent of people using the system. I personally hope that they catch the little cowards and give them a decent thrashing.

I hope the old lady doesn’t let this put her off confronting little shits in the future too.

Woman Tells Teens To Stop Smoking, Is Thrown Onto 3rd Rail

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:31 am
by burun_Archive
Colonel Panic wrote:Were they wearing that horrible Burberry plaid?

On a completely unrelated topic, a friend who works at Burberry was teling me how they are attempting to curb the proliferation of knockoffs and unlicensed use of the plaid pattern, because of the bad element (aka rowdy British youth) wearing them. The company feels like they are cheapening the brand.

Some of their strategies are baffling.

Woman Tells Teens To Stop Smoking, Is Thrown Onto 3rd Rail

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:50 am
by Big John_Archive
Gangs and Colors

American - Gangs
Cripts = Blue
Bloods = Red

British - Gangs
Burbury's = Kaki Plaid

Warriers Movie Gangs
Thease guys were stylish. - I see a few good band names here.

The Alleycats,
The Amsterdam All-Stars,
The Baseball Furies,
The Black Hands,
The Blackjacks,
The Big Trains,
The Boppers,
The Boyle Avenue Runners,
The Charlemagnes,
The Colt 45's,
The Dealers,
The Delaney Rovers,
The Dingos,
The E Street Shufflers,
The Easy Aces,
The Electric Eliminators,
The Eighth Avenue Apaches,
The Fastballs,
The Fifth Street Bombers,
The Filmores,
The Firetasters,
The Five Points,
The Gerrards,
The Gladiators,
The Go Hards,
The Gun Hill Dancers,
The Gramercy Riffs,
The High Hats,
The High Rollers,
The Homeboys,
The Hoplites,
The Howitzers,
The Huks,
The Hurricanes,
The Imps,
The Jesters,
The Jones Street Boys,
The Judas Bunch,
The Jupiters,
The Knockdowns,
The Knuckles,
The Lizzies,
The Locos,
The Magicians,
The Meatpackers,
The Moonrunners,
The Napoleons,
The Nickel Steaks,
The Nightriders,
The Ninth Avenue Razors,
The Orphans,
The Panzers,
The Phillies,
The Plainsmen,
The Punks,
The Queen's Bridge Mutilators,
The Real Boys,
The Red Hook Shooters,
The Roadmasters,
The Rogues,
The Romans,
The Runaways,
The Saracens,
The Saratogas,
The Savage Huns,
The Shanghai Sultans,
The Southern Cross,
The Speedwagons,
The Stevedores,
The Stilletos,
The Stonebreakers,
The Terriers,
The Turks,
The Turnbull AC's,
The Van Cortlandt Rangers,
The Warriors,
The Whispers,
The Xenophones,
The Xylophones,
The Yo-Yo's,
The Youngbloods,
The Zodiacs,
The Zulus.[/list]