Crystal Antlers sign to Touch and Go.

Marsupialized wrote:I bet 'Deeper shade of soul' is a much more enjoyable listen than anything this band has done or will be doing.
Just a hunch.

Prove me wrong, Crystal Antlers. Prove me wrong.

The dude in the light blue shirt looks like what my dad used to look like when I was a kid.


They're gonna have to be really fucking good...
**Do we need the other Chemical Bros. records??

Crystal Antlers sign to Touch and Go.

Major wrote:
DrAwkward wrote:I think you're getting Crystal Antlers confused with Urban Dance Squad, Peripatetic's favorite band ever. That's obviously a photo from their "Deeper Shade of Soul" video shoot.

Did you see his tattoo

Hey, the song they contributed to the Pump up the Volume soundtrack (the movie itself, not the actual released soundtrack that didn't include some of the better songs in the movie, like the Leonard Cohen version of "Everybody Knows," i mean seriously, what the hell, PutV soundtrack) was pretty ace. I ain't hatin'.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

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