Those rat bastards at Hasbro...

j_harvey wrote:
BadComrade wrote:"The lead pipe."

Remember when the lead pipe was made out of bendy metal and the rope was actual rope (or string)? Then at some point they became plastic, or at least the rope did.

The rope became plastic. Everything else stayed metal.

Well, I've still got my old set of Clue. I don't need to play this newfangled crap version. I just despair for the latest generation introduced to this mind-numbingly lame bullshit, thinking that this is Clue when it's nothing but a watered-down, hep version of said game. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Those rat bastards at Hasbro...

H-GM wrote:As long as they're not offering abortions in the new version of The Game of Life I'm down.

I had an idea two years ago, even drew up a few plans, for the game of Real Life. You play and nothing good ever happens to you. I have to score a meeting with a board game producer company place thing and try to get it made. I remember me and all my friends thinking it was the best idea ever.

Oh, and the Clue re-writes? Suck my dick.

Those rat bastards at Hasbro...

With these hip new updates to the game kids across the nation will be throwing their PS3's, PSP's, Wii's etc in the trash. Quitting their crappy antiquated team sports like baseball and basketball and soccer that have barely changed in decades. Every boy and girl will be part of the NEW craze: CLUE! The stores won't even be able to keep this board ga.. er.. tabloid mystery adventure in stock.

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