hip priest wrote:"The scruffiest person I have ever seen on a train in my entire life"
I know him. And it's True.
Moderator: Greg
hip priest wrote:"The scruffiest person I have ever seen on a train in my entire life"
gio wrote:I believe they may have been monitoring my internet activity. Perhaps it was the "Vagina Dentata" Wikipedia query that triggered my release.
that damned fly wrote:i love you. now shut up.
jim primate wrote:gio wrote:I believe they may have been monitoring my internet activity. Perhaps it was the "Vagina Dentata" Wikipedia query that triggered my release.
dirtiest thing written on the boards, thus far. (apologies to anyone who already made this joke. i haven't read the full post.)
alexdamon wrote:i rear-ended a bunch of kids in panama city beach, fl during spring break in my work van.
they had a 2003 mitsubitshi and i did about $5,000 worth of damage to it.
the company allows a max of $500 worth of damage in an accident, well past my limit.
16-18 yr. old georgia kids in their parents car.
when they got out they had nasty shit all over them.
their chewing tobacco cup had spilled when i hit 'em.
it was beautiful!
ironyengine wrote:Ffwd to a friday in Sept, 2002 - our director calls me into his office where I am asked to sit down in front of his desk and listen to the HR representative on speakerphone from NY telling me that the company downsizing has to continue, and regrettably I am the next name in line to be laid off. There is some babble about health benefits continuing, no severence since we're already bankrupt and all, etc etc. The HR rep then asks me if I have any questions regarding my termination, to which I look my director dead in the eyes and ask the disembodied voice: "yeah, this wouldn't happen to be because I'm gay or anything, would it?"
MajorEverettMiller wrote:BUMP
I don't have a story, but I was fired today without incident.
Oh well, fuck it...I couldn't be happier.
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