The Office

I get hit on by middle-aged women. Their fowardness really freaks me out.

This one lady, after I made it clear that I was not interested, then tried to pawn her 16 year old daughter off on me. Women out number men at this company (insurance/banking) by about 4:1, I shit you not.

Sometimes I have to work with this Baptist woman who brags about her home-schooled and sexually repressed spawn. She usually makes a point of politely reminding me that she thinks the words "sucks" and "crap" are ugly terms.

I think my favorite "character" is this really well-dressed, well-groomed, trim middle-age man who stands in the bathroom at the mirror from about noon to 12:40 meticulously brushing, picking at (with proper dental utensil) and flossing his teeth.

All these instruments are carefully layed out next to the sink on a white paper towel. It amazes me that he has no trouble doing this just a few feet away from three stalls that are usually being shat in pretty heavily around this time. Just to make sure this guy is for real, I go in at 12:10, then keep going back every 10-15 minutes. He stays the entire time.

Last edited by connor_Archive on Wed Feb 16, 2005 3:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

The Office

we have this one cat in our office, and he's totally mental. he paces around with his head down and gets all jittery if you make eye contact with him. he's on this early shift, and when i got moved to the same shift he wrote letters to human resources and all departmental managers asking why they felt the need to have someone there spying on him.

cuz i would care, like... i dunno... how many times he paces around the copier in ten minutes...


The Office


OK. Regarding these paintings: I don't get "vagina-obsessed" either, really. They're not bad -- they kinda remind me of the Crowley Tarot deck.


When I was working at a grocery store there was a guy who would come in that looked and dressed in exactly the same manner that Howie Mandell does these days. It was creepy.

These days? Perhaps Mr. Mandell is in the public eye 'across the pond', but I've not seen him since the days of St. Elsewhere and the Halcyon Days when he was pulling the old 'inflate-a-rubber-glove-stretched-over-my-head-with-my-nostrils' routine.

What's he up to 'these days'?
there is only one clear path and it's paved with bacon.

My Flickr Weighs a Ton

The Office

geiginni wrote:
Bambouche wrote:I've been sitting here, patiently, waiting for you to ask about him. Yes, "colorful" is appropriate, although I might go with VAGINA-OBSESSED......

......Creepy, right? Dude is going to axe someone one day. I can feel it. If "Talking in My Sleep," "Portrait of Anxiety," and "Broken Dreams" aren't cries for help (besides being awful titles for awful paintings), than I don't know what is...

Hmmmmm.....vagina obsessed.

Probably not any more or less so than Georgia O'Keefe, Victor Brauner, Otto Dix, Gustav Klimt, Salvador Dali, Egon Schiele, Cindy Sherman, Judy Chicago, Annie Sprinkle - I could probably list one of every other 20th century artist till my login timed out.....

I don't think it's creepy per se. If Dali or Dix were working in your office you may have thought them far creepier than "Andy". I think it's unfair to judge someone in terms of "going to axe someone one day" just because their "colorful", "like sports", have some pent-up anger, or are deemed by you to be "vagina obsessed" (how many hetero men aren't "vagina obsessed" to some degree?).

Was Gustave Courbet "vagina obsessed" for painting "The Origin of the World"? And did that make him "creepy" or threatening to the people around him? How does history usually address this scenario later?


All very valid points. And I don't intend to argue any of them. Views on art are quite subjective, and had I seen "Andy's" painting in a gallery before I met him they may not strike me so creepy, but knowing him taints my judgement.

That said, I like to show only about 30% of my vagina-obsession in my art, as I feel it makes me seem a little less creepy.

In other news, I also work with a short person (a midget for clarification, but he prefers to be called a short person). He uses a disability service that provides him with van service to and from work. When his shift is over, he waits outside our office for the van to pick him up. He is respectable looking, well dressed, well groomed, yet whenever he waits outside passersby always give him change. I've witnessed it a few times. He'll be standing there, minding his own business, and someone walks by and gives him a quarter. I asked him about it, and he said it used to bother him, but he got tired of explaining, so now he just takes their money.

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