felicito wrote:more people should be covering jesus lizard, jehu, big black, shellac, table, bastro, slint, etc. just so it gets passed on to the kids. doesn't everyone agree that ironic covers are way lamer than this lame version of a jesus lizard song?

Agreed. However, I'd much rather see these bands spend their time writing some kick ass rock songs of their own.


What the hell, I love arguments.

Everyone: Stop being jerks. Nobody deserves to be panned so terribly. Just because Mooliachi decided to be a dick doesn't make it okay for 515 others to follow suit.

Fellatio: Tough luck. In the future, try putting your recording in your signature, or put a link to your site. I personally don't think there's much wrong with posting a cover of a song that most people here would know, but I think people were offended because you posted it (and an advertisement for your band) as a newbie. It was a little icky. Post more about other stuff before posting about your own band. Just so we get to know you more, like.


P.S. Eat shit, everyone who followed suit.
your an idiot


Ooh, this is a tough call for me. On the one hand, I've played a show with Riddle of Steel and they're nice guys and I liked their music. That having been said, I do think it shows a lack of consideration for the nature of this message board when one uses it exclusively as a telephone pole.

It seems that posts like these are few and far between. If such posts are rare because of the swift and often brutal response they get on here, I would say that such responses are warranted.


felicito wrote:hey chet, thanks for being generous, almost sorta. you still got your rep bro.

Im sorry if my comment seemed asshole-ish. I really didnt mean for it to sound that way at all. Youre in an honest band who plays honest music and you love what you do and I cant knock you for that at all. I dont care about my "rep" or anything of that sort.

The reason why I talked about the videos was because it was the only media of the band's music I saw on there as I quickly browsed the page. Maybe Ill just have to look again.

Im sure Joel (Mooliachi) was just having a bad day. Hes a kind soul most of the time.

- Chet


i apologize for not getting to know everyone better before doing what i did. you have to admit though, you can see posts like this coming. just because its posted doesnt require you to even look at it. its funny that if noone had posted a reply this would be lost a few pages back but now it has been at the top of the list for a couple of days.

i have posted that song on a handful of other messageboards and gotten very little dialogue about it. not many folks are familiar with my band and seem even less interested in my band having recorded a jesus lizard song. i figured this would be the place to find people who may get a kick out of a jesus lizard cover. there is also some serious venom up in this bitch. count me in!

i wholeheartedly agree that bands should be workin harder on original stuff in general, but after recently doing a jawbox cover song for a tribute record i reallized that its just flat out fun, and it offers a new perspective on songwriting and sounds.

come on folks, the 'just got paid' cover that rapeman did totally kicksasses. some of your comments would also be dissing that. nay?

TOM, what band do you play with?

also, you all HAVE to admit that shitting on people on a messageboard is way more fun than being friendly. so... your welcome.

if you all really want to hear some mp3's go to

thanks to all of you for making this such a popular topic.


felicito wrote:come on folks, the 'just got paid' cover that rapeman did totally kicksasses. some of your comments would also be dissing that. nay?

Maybe. So what? Old ZZ Top is excellent with a bullet.

People are going to shit on your music no matter what. Name the best goddamn band in the world -- someone wants to shit on them. Make what you dig and hope you have enough of a following to get the energy high at your shows.


yeah - EZ on the meanness. ROS is a good band with nothing but the best intentions. the only foul i see is them not realizing this board isn't hip to people pimping thier own shit and jumping in the pool headfirst w/o checking the depth.

i thoroughly enjoyed the song and it made my day when i listened to it from a link on another message board. i urge everyone to try and overlook thier newbie posting faux-pas and welcome what they have to contribute. they're a super hard working band that's touring constantly, and owners/bookers of a venue that brings great bands to thier area.
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