sigur ros

Total votes: 32 (53%)
Total votes: 28 (47%)
Total votes: 60

sigur ros

While I normally just laugh at videos, I think Sigur Ros's videos are cool little films that are apart from the genre.

I have seen Sigur Ros live and really liked certain things about them. In particular, the band played really well as a live combo, and that dude's singing is realy spooky. I don't think either of these things comes across on their records, and I don't really like them, although there are moments when I am reminded of what I liked about them when I saw them. And I am genuinely engaged by their ideas.

So, not crap. But I don't think I would like them at all if I had only heard their records.

Pretentious, sure. But I'll take pretension over formulaic showbusiness or pained detatchment any day. I actually rate pretentiousness just below a lack of pretense in presentation. And both are above schtick.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

sigur ros

I like them, for the same reason Steve has expressed. Except, when I saw them live I was particularly unimpressed, and I enjoy their albums much more.

Could be that I saw them at that Coney Island Bjork concert, and the volume of the crowd was louder than the band. And this dickhead and his girlfriend (who must have just bought her digital camera seconds before the show) kept doing the hold-the-camera-in-front-of-you-while-you-take-a-picture-of-us-snuggling thing. And the dickhead guy even called someone on his cellphone and held it up in the air for a few minutes so the fool on the other end could hear.

Plus I had the flu.

I kinda wanted to knock that dudes popcorn over. But I just sat there...

Not Crap, and shit.

sigur ros

i wonder what this band would sound like in a large,highly reverberant space such as an old church or a hangar. that would be interesting.

the video with the people with Down syndrome dressed as angels
is one of the best i've ever seen.
however, the one with the kids playing football and two of them kissing is so pompous it makes Queen look modest in comparison. ugh.

sigur ros

Not Crap. Infinitely better live, however. Tedious after about 35 minutes, not unlike most rock bands. I'd be interested in hearing them paired with a larger chamber group or chamber orchestra playing more or less contemporary compositons.

sigur ros

I liked that that one song of theirs that goes "it's yooooouuuuuuuuuuuuu" or something, because it was on my mate's mixtape on the way down to the first ATP (Bowlie as it was known at the time). Then i saw them live and was quite disgusted. They not only had the worst drum sound I've ever heard, (yes, it was worse than on Mogwai's "Come on die young"!) but they were the least engaging live act i've seen. And the music was the worst ambient drone for ambient drone's sake bollocks. And they're very willing to sell this shit to the highest bidder. (eg. Tom Cruise)

daniel robert chapman wrote:The biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased cunts.

sigur ros

a friend of mine bought me a ticket to see them at the Metro 2 years ago. They were pretty good. I do really like the fetus loooking album a lot...but once they allowed Tom Cruise to make artistic decisions for them. I had to let go.

regardless, not crap.


sigur ros

hip priest wrote:I liked that that one song of theirs that goes "it's yooooouuuuuuuuuuuuu" or something, because it was on my mate's mixtape on the way down to the first ATP (Bowlie as it was known at the time). Then i saw them live and was quite disgusted. They not only had the worst drum sound I've ever heard, (yes, it was worse than on Mogwai's "Come on die young"!) but they were the least engaging live act i've seen. And the music was the worst ambient drone for ambient drone's sake bollocks. And they're very willing to sell this shit to the highest bidder. (eg. Tom Cruise)


i haven`t seen `em play live but i think their drum sound works for them pretty fine... considering they`re ambiental band... i like it... and regarding your statement about mogwai, i disagree completely, it`sa killer sound

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