
would anyone out there know how the touch and go reissued pressings compare to the trance ones? i ordered a copy of 'what fun life was' thinking it would probably be a reissue (since it was just earlier this year) and it was a trance version.. which is a really dirty pressing. i want to get 'beheaded', but if the vinyl pops as much as the aformentioned record i'll probably just pick up the cd.
Last edited by OneFiveFour_Archive on Mon Nov 15, 2004 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Transaction de Novo is a masterpiece.

The other records lead up to it, and they were right to stop after it.

This "18" song passes a beef shank to me.

After the bridge-type thing, which is the greatest moment on the entire record, it turns into a hippie jam.

You heard me.

There are other great bands with questionable hippie jams.

Mission of Burma ("All World Cowboy Romance") and Come (something "Jam" from Gently Down the Stream, are examples.

It takes me a long time. Maybe I'll understand "18" when I'm twice that.


I don't remember the Trance Beheaded popping a lot. WhatFunLifeWas is dirty because it is too long for one record (especially side one). I enjoy the record (Beheaded) far more than the CD. I'm not a noise floor stickler though.

As for "Stranger to Kindness," I think it's my favorite on the record.

your an idiot


Noah wrote:I don't remember the Trance Beheaded popping a lot. WhatFunLifeWas is dirty because it is too long for one record (especially side one). I enjoy the record (Beheaded) far more than the CD. I'm not a noise floor stickler though.

i noticed that too. side one is like 26 minutes or something.

i don't really mind the noise floor so much as the loud pops every 3 or so seconds of 'liferaft' (the first time i played it even). hopefully the reissue is different..


I cannot imagine ever calling 18 by The New Year a "hippy jam." I suppose you mean because it repeats the same chord progression for quite some time? What about Cortez the Killer? I treasure every moment in both of these songs.

But I suppose this is falling upon deaf ears. If you're going to lump "All World Cowboy Romance" alongside the likes of Phish and The Grateful Dead, I have no idea what to say to you.

Hosoi, have you seen The New Year live? If not, I suggest you check them out. The whole 3-4 guitar experience is kind of muted through the recording when compared to the live experience. But this is not to say that the recording of 18 isn't amazing. It is. The End Is Near is easily my favorite record of the past couple of years.

I'm surprised there aren't more New Year fans out there. When I saw them in Austin recently, they opened for Tortoise. The hipsters couldn't give two shits about The New Year's set (ending beautifully on "18"). To me, this is akin to standing around aimlessly while the apocalypse unfolds behind you.

And yet, Tortoise, a band that I consider to be in its current incarnation dull as all fucking hell, gets several rounds of applause per song/per sporadic marimba tapping.



"Cortez the Killer" is certainly not a hippie jam. Neither is "Marquee Moon." Or "The N.W.R.A."

A hippie jam is when you play something for a period of time expecting for something to happen and nothing actually does.

It ceases to be a hippie jam when there is a result as opposed to an ending.

I hope I will see the New Year.

I don't live in Spain.


154 wrote:would anyone out there know how the touch and go reissued pressings compare to the trance ones? i ordered a copy of 'what fun life was' thinking it would probably be a reissue (since it was just earlier this year) and it was a trance version.. which is a really dirty pressing. i want to get 'beheaded', but if the vinyl pops as much as the aformentioned record i'll probably just pick up the cd.

The Touch and Go re-issues of the Bedhead albums are CD-only. The only vinyl copies are whatever is left over from the original Trance stock.



I've been vainly searching for a copy of the first Bedhead EP forever, now. I might have to bite the bullet and get it from Amazon.

I've been frighteningly obsessed with Newness Ends recently. I just posted about it in the Studio Questions forum, here, actually.


I came to Bedhead via this forum.


To hear this music. . . it is too much to say. I've now bought all their full-length albums and cannot stop listening to them.

It is so much. Perfect music.

Also love the 2nd New Year album which I got a hold of in my last months living in Taiwan. It kind of triangulated the weirdness of that time and headspace for me.


mattw wrote:WhatFunLifeWas suffers from fairly poor production, and the vocals are kind of buried in the mix, but I was (pleasantly) surprised with the engineering on this album. I forgot this guys name, but he did a good job.

I always thought that its production made this album even better.

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