Chandler TG-2 vs. API?

The Averill stuff is manufactured out of parts from API gear (primarily consoles) that he and his guys modify to fit onto the Lunchboxes. Stuff like the 312 mic pres and 325 line amps are card-type units that he mounts in a Lunchbox-style box with a gain pot, phantom, phase, and line controls and a direct input jack. That's why he says that the mic pres are Averill units made from API components, while the API EQs that he sells (which fit in the Lunchboxes anyway) are just straight API modules.

I've got one of his lunchboxes and a pair of 550A EQs with Avedis' op amp replacements. I've been VERY happy with how helpful those guys have been and with what great work they do. However, seeing as how the price difference was fairly negligable between his mic pres (and the 560 graphics, which were actually cheaper new) and the currently-manufactured API units, I decided to go with the currently-made 512Cs and 560Bs, rather than rebuilt units from vintage components. I've been very happy.

Chandler TG-2 vs. API?

cal wrote:If you're looking to save money, you should probably go ahead and get the Averill modules. If you're looking to have something in your rack that actually says "API" on it, then get the real API stuff if you have the money and are concerned about marquee value and resale value. Considering how much Neve stuff is worth these days, I think the legit API gear is a steal, new or vintage.
You know, it's not that difficult to arrange to have different pieces sent to you to try out. I personally don't like to use paying sessions as a laboratory to sit there and try out a bunch of gear, but if you have the time, make some calls and have them send you a unit to try out, then just mess around with it for a few days before you make your decision.

I am looking to save money, and the problem with trying stuff out is that most people (understandably) want you to put the money up first. Ideally, I'd try stuff head to head, which would require cash flow (enough for both units) I don't have, hence my request for opinions. However, I've got a scheme to (briefly) improve my cash flow, so I think I will audition gear. Thanks again -E

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