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Todd Trainer

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 6:06 pm
by Schaal_Archive
BLC has played recently (relatively) with Mr. Gerard Boissy of Rifle Sport fame on 2nd guitar. They are playing 7th St Entry on Feb 26. Anything else line-up wise, you'd have to ask Todd I guess.

Todd Trainer

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 5:43 am
by Rimbaud III_Archive
I was standing four of five feet to your right and nearly did pound you into a big brown heap following your unexpectedly loud query. Still, you seem like an OK guy on here. One fine day the internet will put an end to all petty hostilities.

Hahahah! I'm glad the okayage has come through, because I have it on good authority that I'm a certified twat.
I'm committed to keeping my mouth shut at gigs from now on. Unless we're asked important questions like "Are you ready to rock?" and "Is this thing on?"

Todd Trainer

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:40 am
by bonati_Archive
I'm sad because Todd doesn't have an account and doesn't post on this board. See --> :.-(

Todd Trainer

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 12:51 pm
by The Student_Archive
*IF* Mr. Trainer were to post on this site, what would you say to him? Inquiring minds want to know...

and No, i'm not Todd. If I were, I certainly wouldn't be called The Student. The Expert maybe or The Exceptional or.. i'm sure he'd come up with something much more clever..

Todd Trainer

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:58 pm
by Rimbaud III_Archive
*IF* Mr. Trainer were to post on this site, what would you say to him? Inquiring minds want to know...

I think I'd probably say that if I have to personally buy more BLC records in order for them to play London I'd do it. Considering that I still have my friend's copy of Tragedy Tragedy I haven't actually paid for one yet, so buying more would only be fair.
This technique has yet to prove fruitful. I own 40 copies of 'I Wonder Why' by Curtis Stigers and he has yet to make good of his promise to play at my house.

Todd Trainer

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 4:42 pm
by toomanyhelicopters_Archive
Rimbaud III wrote:I'm committed to keeping my mouth shut at gigs from now on.

as a gift to you, i present this question that you might shout it at the members of Shellac next time you see them live. shout out "Does my mom take requests?" i expect they would have fun with that one.

Todd Trainer

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 4:48 pm
by bonati_Archive
Todd could host his own Q&A thread over in the General Discussion area. Its only fair since he never gets to answer questions during the Shellac Q&As. He's the silent silent member. Or perhaps there could be a "Todd's Journal" section in the same format as Greg's Tech Journal. He could elighten us all with sophisticated grooming tips. Anyway, these are the first two ideas that come to mind.

On the other hand, I'm sure the guy can't be bothered to keep up with this shit. I wouldn't blame him. He's got a dog to walk.

Todd Trainer

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 8:56 pm
by sybd_Archive
Todd spoke once during one of the Q & A parts in Nashville last year. It was in response to a question to Steve, in which he mentioned something about "cocksuckers."

Todd's response was: "I don't know, I'm kinda partial cocksuckers actually." He gave a dry laugh and hit his cigarette. The funniest moment for me personally. Anyone there remember what the question and response from Steve was?

Todd Trainer

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 9:07 pm
by placeholder_Archive
sybd wrote:Todd spoke once during one of the Q & A parts in Nashville last year. It was in response to a question to Steve, in which he mentioned something about "cocksuckers."

Todd's response was: "I don't know, I'm kinda partial cocksuckers actually." He gave a dry laugh and hit his cigarette. The funniest moment for me personally. Anyone there remember what the question and response from Steve was?

placeholder wrote:OK, this is a boring story, but here goes:

At the Nashville show a couple of months back, my girlfriend and I were about one row of people back from the front of the stage. After enjoying Pinebender's fine rock music, we were asked to clear a path from the front of the stage to the door so that Pinebender could load their equipment out, which we did. As Pinebender were loading out, this group of utter douchebags shoved its way through the door, through the densely-packed crowd, and positioned itself riiiight up front in Pinebender's way. They stood there, making the band load out around them, and laughing off any suggestion that they might be in the way. Pinebender finally finished loading out, and as we were waiting for Shellac to come out, this other asshat (who I believe posts on this very messageboard) started trying to shove his way through to the front. Of course, there was NO ROOM in the front to begin with, as the people who were already up there for Pinebender had simply crammed off to the sides, and the other few people who ran up there during their load-out made things much more cramped. In any case, this kid kept whining about wanting to get through to the front, and trying to shove his way through. We, and several people around us, explained (in a pretty civil manner, considering the circumstances) to the kid that there isn't any room up front or WE'D all be closer. You know: There-Is-No-Room. Still, he tried to shove his way through the shoulder-to-shoulder crowd, eventually shoving my girlfriend, then making some irritating comment about it. At this point, she threw her drink in his face, then hit him with the cup (which is something I've never seen her do). Of course, the kid (who was the spitting image of the singer from Puddle of Mudd, or one of those bands) started crying about it, and kept yelling "fuck you" and "Hey, thanks for the water" to us, over and over. Shellac came out and started to play, yet this cunt didn't stop yammering. By this point, many people were again telling this kid to shut it. Several songs in, he finally relented.

During the Q&A, he first asked why Shellac don't play any Big Black songs. Then, after a few more questions he piped up again:

Puddle of Mudd kid: Why did these people throw water on me?

Bob: Why did they throw water on you? I don't know...

My Girlfriend: Because he's a cocksucker.

Bob: Oh, it's because you're a cocksucker.

The kid then made this sorta triumphant gesture

Steve: You shouldn't be proud of that.

The end.

Look! I'm an annoying fanboy!

I forgot about Todd saying that. Funny stuff.

Todd Trainer

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:18 am
by sybd_Archive
ahhh yes. Thank you for refreshing my memory. I also remember Steve said something back to that kid about the Big Black reference. I think it was about his Mom and being old. It made sense though. That's all I can recollect.