Where does steve albini get his hats?

"Hats Plus" on Irving Park near the Six Corners (Milwaukee and some other street that I don't quite remember) is a Jim Dandy. They've got lots of hats.

what a fine, fine store. it's on irving park rd, is it not? i bought a kangol there.

i own many hats, but i don't wear them very often

i am almost old enough to pull off a normal, brimmed felt hat. but not quite.

Where does steve albini get his hats?

jayryan wrote:
LAD wrote:
jayryan wrote: i have an enormous, oddly shaped head


ask steve. ask tim midgett. it's true.

jay has a big head

i don't know if it's especially oddly shaped. i mean, it's not pear-shaped or anything.

i also have a large head. brian o., he has a large head. brad w., you have a large head.

it's ok to have a head that is too large for your body. it's not optimal, but it's ok.

Where does steve albini get his hats?

I rely on my girlfriend (historically, girlfriends) to get me nice hats. I have gotten several myself from Hats Plus on Irving Park, a fine store.

My current favorite hat is a "Como" by Borsalino, an excellent Italian maker of brimmed hats.

And it is true, Jay Ryan, Tim Midgett and Brian Orchard all have enormous heads. Real melons.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

Where does steve albini get his hats?

I'm glad to see that there are others suffer from big head syndrome. A couple of years ago I went to a casting for jewish-looking extras, for a film which was set in victorian London. After having photo taken I was measured for my costume, which included having my head measured for my hat size. When the woman measured my head a look of horror crossed her face as she muttered something to effect of: "That can't be right." I laughed, as she remeasured my head, and asked her how big it was. Apparently it was 26" in circumference. My friend, Kyp, who is also jewish-looking, although infact Cypriot, had his head measured and it only came to 14" in circumference. I felt a weird mix of shame and pride.

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