Angus Jung wrote:The name "Cormac" is utterly unique. It is the world's simplest search.
"Cormac" produces seven topic results as opposed to five topic results for "Cormac AND McCarthy".
For instance, "Cormac" picked up this result:
"Last year over 500 people packed into our warehouse off Brick Lane to hear headphone-only performances from the likes of Leafcutter John, Janek Schaeffer, Sanso-Xtro, Recon, Hot Chip, David Toop and Max Eastley. In 2005 we return with another 14 hours of headphonics, this time with a more electronic, underground direction. Expect sets from Ardisson, Foneq, Walker, Matt Grey, Ubergeek, Pline, Julian Weaver, U-Sun + John Chantler, Poptatari, Gavin Starks, Pete Marsh, Butterfly Cut, Slub, Boca Raton, Cheapmachines, Knut Auferman + Sarah Washington, Bad Anarok 404 and old favourites Cormac Heron, Leafcutter John, Sanso-Xtro and Dallas Simpson. Plus more tbc."
If one has the ability to narrow his/her search as narrowly as possible, then I say do so. It's not so very hard, and there aren't that many truly unique terms.
Get Boolean, chumps.