
Total votes: 22 (39%)
Not Crapagandhi?
Total votes: 35 (61%)
Total votes: 57

band: Propagandhi

Huh... I already voted on this... I wonder what I voted..

If I hadn't, right now I would vote Not Crap :WF: 7

Though I never had Less Talk..., their progression as musicians from How To Clean... to Today's Empires... is admirable.

Yeah, they're a punk band, but they're out there with a message and they actually do know pretty well what they're talking about (which is more than can be said for bands like NOFX, who appear to hate bush just cause it's cool to hate bush).

Also, sentimental for being one the last punk bands I was into and helping build the bridge to "indie rock" for me.
that damned fly wrote:digital is fine for a couple things. clocks, for example.

and mashups

band: Propagandhi

"How to Clean Everything" is a great record. Overtly political music is always "heavy-handed", but theirs is done with enough humor and self-critique that it makes me smile, rather than cringe, as does, say, Bad Religion. "Less Talk" I don't like as much, but it's still good. Haven't heard anything since, but I'm still likely to throw on either of those two when GWB, the Fundamentalists, or the NRA, e.g., do something particularly insidious.
If it wasn't for landlords, there would have been no Karl Marx.

band: Propagandhi


Probably my favourite band 10 years ago. Intelligent and hilarious.

I loved I*Spy, but I thought Todays Empires... was really disappointing for the most part.

I finally got around to hearing their newest record, Potemkin City Limits. I guess it came out over a year ago. Fuck, they've come a long way - both as musicians and songwriters. I like this record a lot.
Last edited by Mama Clortho_Archive on Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Rodabod wrote:Post "hilarious" forum quote here.

band: Propagandhi

MrFood wrote:"MY NAME IS MINDY!"

that one is particularly good.


[embarrassed/still awesome face]

I've actually been listening to Potemkin and Today's Empires...Tomorrow's Ashes a whole bunch this week, and they're quite a bit better than I remembered. Totally NOT CRAP.
kerble is right.

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