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dlayphoto - Nerd? Needy?
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 2:46 pm
by dlayphoto_Archive
jayryan wrote:ooh! ooh! can i be either the fresh tomatoes or the pineapple?
jay, you're definitely the pinapple. tangy, yet sweet.
dlayphoto - Nerd? Needy?
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 2:47 pm
by Cranius_Archive
Is this pizza going to have spam as a topping? If so I think there is going to be an awful lot of competition.
("I obviously include myself as a potential spam topping", he said depreciatingly.)
dlayphoto - Nerd? Needy?
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 3:45 pm
by vance_Archive
I like geeking out about recording and music and amps and all the shit that we normally talk about on here. I don't get how that guy 'Cum' and this dlayphoto fella has gotten everybody upset! We know that 'Cum' is an idiot, and I know that I spent too much time and energy thinking about how to respond to his annoying posts, and that 'dlayphoto' must be really bored at work or unemployed, and thinks about different things that we (the people in this php that were here before both of them) normally wouldn't. There is no solution to either of these guys except that if you or me or "Mssr. Albini" (bleeechk!) simply not respond or be tactful in any communi-kay. The Angry Dragon said it best to me yesterday: "(my) posts to 'Cum' that were simply, 'Shut up, bitch' wasnt helping at all. if we want to get rid of this douche-bag, then just ignore him." 'Nuff said. he seems to be dissappearing. Dlayphoto on the other hand, does nothing to offend. He just posts stuff all the damn day long. I have to admit, the Mssr. Albini post is corny as hell. I don't know, though, what other people in this forum think though. I just miss last week when it was a place we all checked out to see what our friends had to say, what they were thinking, and gaddammit, SIMPLICITY!!!!
thank you all. salut to dragon. you helped me grow.
dlayphoto - Nerd? Needy?
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 3:50 pm
by dlayphoto_Archive
I post a lot because I work a part time job, so I have a lot of time on my hands...
dlayphoto - Nerd? Needy?
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 4:09 pm
by ironyengine_Archive
The idea of people on a message board calling one another 'nerds' is beautifully hilarious to me.
That is all.
dlayphoto - Nerd? Needy?
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 4:14 pm
by Jeremy_Archive
i like Dlayphoto. He's a very different personality then most people on this board.
skip it if you don't like it.
Plus he knows BallyDowse. and they're awesome.
dlayphoto - Nerd? Needy?
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 4:21 pm
by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive
I think that everyone here is missing the point -- and the point is that
video games are totally gae.
dlayphoto - Nerd? Needy?
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 4:23 pm
by ironyengine_Archive
You win, Bradley R Weissenberger. Video games are gae, I am gae for playing them, and that is that.
dlayphoto - Nerd? Needy?
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 4:39 pm
by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive
By the way, dlayphoto, post away! Knock yourself out!
Do you post a lot? Yes!
Do I care? No!
Knock yourself out!
That avatar, though, that's something else.
What's that all about?
dlayphoto - Nerd? Needy?
Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 5:48 pm
by dbychowski_Archive
I think dlaypphoto would catch less shit if he just changed his avatar...
With all this talk about "Cum"and these man photos I have felt like I'm cruising around here. Not that I spend ALL my time cruising