Will Oldham?

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Total votes: 92 (84%)
Total votes: 109

Songwriter: Will Oldham-Palace-Bonnie Prince Billy

i am not really down with his live schtick. i have seen him four times, and every time it was 'experimental' to the point of self-indulgence.

one time was just dull. two times were terrible. messes. people jumped on any shred of recognizable anything like hungry dogs. every now and then, some semblance of songness would come out and the starved crowd would have a cow.

the one time i saw him be ok, that was the time i at least understood what he was doing, and i think it put his deal into perspective for me. it was at the drag city new year's party a couple years back. he was playing for a bunch of drunken scenesters, who were talking and laffin' and generally carrying on rather than pay attention.

oldham was exactly the same guy in front of those drunken scenesters as he was at the other shows. same degree of attention to what he was doing, same demeanor. and at one point, he leaned over to the electric piano player, and, very deliberately, said 'e minor. g. d.' he looked at her for a few seconds to make sure she had it.

it was obvious she had never played the song before, which you can either go along with or regard as lazy or even kind of lame, as i think he probably does that in front of paying audiences with some regularity. yet i realized, seeing this interaction, that it wasn't his intent to be half-assed, exactly. i think he gave a shit how it turned out. he just wanted to see what happened under a specific set of circumstances, namely flying by the seat of his pants.

i think flying by the seat of one's pants is vastly overrated. but i have a lot more respect for wanting to live on the edge than i do for not giving a shit. this combined with a couple of his records that i liked (_viva last_ and _arise therefore_) equal not crap for me, though i am not a big fan all in all.

Songwriter: Will Oldham-Palace-Bonnie Prince Billy

Great great stuff, and the entire strange myth he's surrounded by completes the package. Even two days ago I blew my friends mind by telling him Will Oldham and Bonnie Billy are the same person.

I got a little worried, because the Greatest Palace Music double LP was fucking horrable, and if he continued along in that vein it would have ended my days of buying his music.

Thankfully, the new Superwolf is great, his best since I See a Darkness. I know he didn't write some of the music on the new LP, but it's still really fucking good.
Gatehouse Anchor

Live From the Fallout Shelter

Songwriter: Will Oldham-Palace-Bonnie Prince Billy

I will grudgingly agree that Will live with a band (especially at the start of a tour, when everyone is trying to figure out what he's expected to do) can be tedious or laughable. I think this is great, in its way. I also understand that it is "too much" for some people.

The records are made in much the same way, at least those I'm familiar with, and I think they prove the method.

In a position to just knock out the old favorites, Will is still making music in a way that keeps him interested in the moment and uncertain of the outcome. This is totally laudable, and I envy him. He is fearless about his music, and that means a lot to me. One can quibble about the results, but he is totally genuine (even when he is making nonsense or a disheveled mess), and he often makes sublime, crying-in-public-worthy music that can come no other way.

Not crap, Louisville affectations and perversity aside.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

Songwriter: Will Oldham-Palace-Bonnie Prince Billy

mattw wrote:
patrick md wrote:I got a little worried, because the Greatest Palace Music double LP was fucking horrable, and if he continued along in that vein it would have ended my days of buying his music.

He ruins some of his own songs (WTF?) on there, esp 'New Partner', one of my favorites of his

But as a self-serving, bizarre, over-produced joke, it wasn't all that bad

I read an interview with the artist fomerly known as Will Oldham in which the interviewer asked why he had recorded this greatest hits, did he need clothes for his kids? He said yes something along those lines.

I thought this was a bad album except for the sax solo in Pushkin(?). That was bold.

Will Oldham vs. Bonnie Prince Billy. This is one the best things I've ever read.

Blue Lotus Feet, not crap.

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