Continuing Adventures in Asking Cancer to Fuck Itself
13Best to your pa and the rest of the family, Deej.
Continuing Adventures in Asking Cancer to Fuck Itself
14Dude, hang in there and stay strong. Best wishes to you and your dad.
Continuing Adventures in Asking Cancer to Fuck Itself
15hench wrote:what a shit year for you, dj. i'm beaming good vibes and power ballads your way...It's been a mixed bag, to be sure. On one hand, there's my dad's health problems and my layoff, but on the upside, i'm dating one of my best friends and an all-around amazing, supportive and strong woman, moved in with her and adopted a new baby kitty, so i've had a lot of help staying positive. Thanks for the vibes, y'all; i'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.
Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.
Continuing Adventures in Asking Cancer to Fuck Itself
16Fuck cancer. Positive vibes are and will continue to be sent to your dad. Stay strong.
Continuing Adventures in Asking Cancer to Fuck Itself
17Nothing but the very best wishes to you, your dad and your family. I'm glad there are people in your life helping you through this. Hope he pulls through.
iembalm wrote:Can I just point out, Rick, that this rant is in a thread about a cartoon?
Continuing Adventures in Asking Cancer to Fuck Itself
18what a shit year for you, dj. i'm beaming good vibes and power ballads your way...
Continuing Adventures in Asking Cancer to Fuck Itself
19Best of luck and health to him. DJ. Stay strong.
Continuing Adventures in Asking Cancer to Fuck Itself
20Maurice wrote:Dave N. wrote:Trey wrote:Today is the day. I'm ready to get it done. The worst part is I had to fast and have not eaten since Tuesday night and I am HANGRY! I no longer care how much pain I'll be in after surgery, I wanna know when I can EAT! Thanks for good thoughts everyone, and good thoughts to anyone dealing with any aspect of this fucking bullshit disease. Hopefully I'll come home this weekend. Peace!Just got word that Trey's surgery went well. Somebody give that man some enchiladas!Absolutely all the best wishes, Trey!+1! best wishes, Trey! take care and get well soon!