How low can a punk get?

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:
chakakhan wrote:isn't caustic resin from boise? is built to spill still based there?

I've seen Built To Spill, obviously, and I think highly of them.

I need more than a Built To Spill though.

Not me. I'd kill for a Built To Spill.
King of the Punk Rogers.

How low can a punk get?

Ike wrote:Brad or anyone else--is Jeremy from Fort Hazel Productions still doing shows? This Jeremy is a very, very nice fella. He was playing with several bands as well as putting out albums around Boise (one band, Fusaine, was really great). His own band is called Lowbelly, or at least it was. Another guy I lost touch with.

I believe that the Fort Hazel studio is still around, but I haven't run into those guys or their shows. But I've seen the Fort Hazel band The Hand, which is a Caustic Resin off-shoot, I believe. As always, I could be wrong.

Anyway, I'll keep looking and report back to the group, which I know is deadly serious about their Boise rock.

How low can a punk get?

Rog wrote:I'd kill for a Built To Spill.

Agreed. Built To Spill is great. They played one of the best shows that I've ever seen -- right here in Boise in a park at the base of the foothills.

Holy shit. Was that show great.

But to see them maybe twice a year at a big outdoor festival isn't really what I'm looking for, at least as far as local bands go.

I'm delighted to be able to see them, but to see them maybe twice a year at a big outdoor festival isn't really what I'm looking for, at least as far as local bands go.

I hope that makes sense, Rog of Madison WI.

How low can a punk get?

The Boise rock is great! Always loved Treepeople and the Built to Spills. Just great rock bands all the way around.

I've played in Boise, oh I don't know, 4 or 5 times. Each time was different and each time was really great. Moscow is good for the rock as well. There was this cafe, maybe on the edge of town in Boise, that had really great breakfast style food. Something called "scones" that had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with any scone I've ever had before or since. But damn good.

Again, Fusaine's great. I'm heading to google ville to find out if they're still playing at all.
Danke Brad and any other Boise-ite.

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