unarmedman wrote:please, please, please: don't make this about christians
if they call themselves christians, then they will be judged by that as well. they are not christians; not even close.
Who are you to define their faith? I take people at their word regarding what they believe. You say you're a christian but they're not. I believe you both about what you say you are.
You are uncomfortable with what some of your fellow christians do and say. This much is laudable. They are christians if they say they are, and we have every right to form opinions about self-declared christians, their behavior, their voting, their ideas and their history without a decoder ring.
I have great friends who are christians. I value the teachings of Jesus, even the less popular ones regarding forgiveness and reservation of judgement and charity and humility and contentment. I am not a christian.
But I think the christian political bloc is a blight on our country. I think the southern evangelical strain of the christian voting bloc is particularly reprehensible, given its history.
Seriously, if the one thing a bunch of assholes have in common is that they're all self-declared christians, and every specific asshole I can think of at the moment is a self-declared christian, then I have a basis to suspect a link between the assholes and christians.
That there are a few examples to the contrary invites all christians to demonstrate to me that they are not assholes, for on this point I have an open mind. That said, suerly they must see these assholes all around them at their christian meetings, no? So they choose to spend their time in the company of assholes, no? So they choose to declare their commonality with these assholes, no?
If I were a christian, I would be as ashamed as if I were born into a mafia family. I would disassociate myself from the flock in a heartbeat. I wouldn't say "they're not christians," I would say "those christians over there, those guys are assholes, and I'm not one of them."