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From Crap to Rank

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 5:46 pm
by Chris Hardings_Archive
yoko Ono - definatley got away with being naked on television
Sunny bono - skiied into a tree...there just isn't anything else to say
Bono - was a christian just long enough to get 1 album out

From Crap to Rank

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 5:55 pm
by chad_Archive
Ciao Biznono!

Stanley Fish
Det. Phil Fish
Rumble Fish

From Crap to Rank

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 6:14 pm
by russ_Archive
good to see you here.

I have been trying to come up with a way to play rank online, but as yet, it is proving difficult.

The skinny:
It is quite easy to make "polls" where you pit two things agains each other, but as soon as you add a third option it becomes very difficult to make it work without special programming. In order to do it right, each choice that you make has to assign a "weight" to that selection. Blah, blah, blah.

I came up with the idea of simply doing a head to head version of rank, but after setting it up, and explaining my idea to Steve, it was reiterated that it's vital to the game to have the third choice.

So... what to do. It's apparant to me that this thread is already becomeing a mess. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I hear you. 'Chaos is my forte'. Whatever. Organization _works_ online. I know this much. Therefore, if anyone has suggestions on how they believe it would be best to conduct e-Rank, I'm all ears. Note that more weight will be given to the opinions of those veterans to the game, but there's no denying genius. So speak up!

Oh yeah:

1. Eric Clapton - his nickname is "slowhand" ferchristsake!
2. Glen Fry - for his song "The Heat Is On".
3. Don Henley - he's what makes piano playing totally uncool.


P.S. Keep in mind that I already have a form entitled "Rank" set up under "Electrical Audio Games" which I can enable at anytime.

From Crap to Rank

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 8:20 pm
by Biznono_Archive
My friends,
I have been away from my computer and in my absence something very special and magical has happened. The game of Rank, she has come alive!
Russ, to become electronic, Rank (rank: Rank, Risk, Clue) must change her nature. If you can discover how to do genuine triadic ranking, you will be responsible for a major paradigm shift and maybe the beginnings of a national move away from a two-party system.
Chad, I only dimly remember your rank and cannot figure out how to return to your post without losing the one I am writing. I will say: Go Fish, because she can fuck you when you think you have her in the bag (this I find very sexy), Stanley Fish, because he is an old man who in his own mild way has stirred up some trouble, and Phish, because I have never heard their music for reasons that, I believe as an act of faith, have something to do with their music!
Tim, if Rank cannot be made to work on-line we will have to introduce our friends to hippie band name = food + abstraction.
Ciao! Albiz! Your website, she is like a boom-boom room for the ephemera!
I see you all soon!

The West Wing
The Wild Wild West

Speaking of which, the tv goverment has just shut down and I must go watch the drama unfold,

From Crap to Rank

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 8:22 pm
by gcbv_Archive
1. beach boys: because some of that shit gives me goosebumps.
2. oak ridge boys: because I grew up in Texas.
3. busboys: because I hate cleaning tables for other people.


Lightning Bolt
Thor's Hammer

From Crap to Rank

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 8:47 pm
by tmidgett_Archive

Your answer is spot on from a socially well-adjusted perspective. However, the list demands a response from the more exploitive side of things (i.e., these characters' unintended comedic value and/or use of these characters to teach awkward values lessons to other characters who have failed to realize "how good they have it").

you are right, i have to re-rank, but mainly b/c i imagined that geri on 'the facts of life' was played by nancy mckeon, who i found hot in that semi-lesbian kristy mcnichol way. as it happens, i am not sexually attracted to the deaf comic. i also imagined that n.mckeon's character (jo) was named 'blair,' whereas in reality 'blair' was played by lisa welchel. i did however somehow remember all of these things now.


corkman, for being there through thick and thin, and for being named 'corky,' and for writing his fine book, which i have upstairs on a shelf.

geri, as played by the deaf comic, b/c she was a facile plot contrivance and _the facts of life_ was so fucking stupid that i felt ok laughing at her. she probably wrote a book, but i doubt it was as good as the corkman's.

the guy on _l.a. law_ b/c he was really good and i would have felt bad laughing at him

none of this holds a candle to the special olympics episode of baywatch, which i wrote about somewhere on the internet. truly gruesome in its exploitation of the unfortunate. also remarkable in that the non-retarded characters (incl mary lou retton playing herself!) seem more mentally handicapped than the retarded people. ugh.

From Crap to Rank

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 10:13 pm
by stackmatic_Archive
I'm quite certain that Geri from "The Facts of Life" had Cerebral Palsy. And she kind of looked like a younger Julia Child.

Corky - Actual retard (and presented as a genuine celebration of Retards).
Benny - Fake retard (but presented as a genuine celebration of Retards).
Geri - Non retard. (Cerebral Palsy is not funny. Cerebral Palsy comics are even less funny.)

From Crap to Rank

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 10:54 pm
by Biznono_Archive
Here's the guy to solve the rank game on-line problem. ... e_erik.htm

Professor of computer science at MIT at age 22, etc. He knows a lot about bending and folding, which I'm sure is the key to the traidic ranking.

Bending and Folding
Watching a fat person bend over and spying food in his folds
The Ben Folds five

From Crap to Rank

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 11:04 pm
by russ_Archive
Biznono wrote:Here's the guy to solve the rank game on-line problem. ... e_erik.htm

Professor of computer science at MIT at age 22, etc. He knows a lot about bending and folding, which I'm sure is the key to the traidic ranking.

Biz, no doubt that guy's smart, but I would have little trouble writing a standalone computer program or web application with which you could easily have triadic ranking. The dilemma is fitting this into the current paradigm, namely these forums.

Let's leave the genius computer scientists alone to do their work on the "carpenter's rule", etc.. Much in the manner that I'd rather that the police were busy capturing the neighborhood rapist rather than busting people who have expired plates.

1. Bending and Folding - cuz you can only bend a piece of paper in half something like 7 times.
2. Watching a fat person bend over and spying food in his folds - gross
3. The Ben Folds five - grosser than gross

From Crap to Rank

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 12:56 am
by Hosoi_Archive
The missing parts of Monsieur Demaine's biography:

Erik is a French Canadian who has been growing his hair out since 1992. He prefers not to have a moustache because he enjoys both milk and cookies He considers himself to be husky, not fat. Although he is a problem solving machine, he cannot tolerate fractals, La Grange multipliers, Mensa, Defcon, or Macintosh. He listens to Satie because they share the same first name, but he has no correlation with Clapton, Desjardins, or Gagne.

Name this game:

GG Allin Digo Girls


Great Barry White Snake House

Gang of Four Tops Green River