Songs you mashup in your head

This isn't exactly what you're talking about, but I just realized last year that Robert Palmer's Addicted to Love and Simply Irresistible are different songs. I had to Google Robert Palmer just now to remember what Simply Irresistible was called. I don't think I'd ever heard them close enough together before. So it was easy for me to think oh yeah, that's the one hit that guy ever had.

Songs you mashup in your head

You can also go back and forth between the Ozzy Osbourne tune "Goodbye To Romance" and a couple of mid-tempo Big Star tunes.- "Thirteen"/Sort of works- "My Life Is Right"/Works- "Back Of A Car"/Sort of works- "Daisy Glaze"/Sort of worksYou can also go back and forth between "Back Of A Car" and the Badfinger tune "No Matter What" pretty readily.

Songs you mashup in your head

i watched a lot of Gilmore Girls in my day, will always have a soft spot for the show. but i forgot how the chorus of the theme song goes, so now i always segue into the one from Friends, a show i never cared for but you can't get away from"if you're out on the road, feeling lonely and so cold..." "... i'll be there for youuu, when the bla bla bla bla"can't get this out of my head. i should probably just listen to the GG song to reset my brainphpBB [media]ohh, much better

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