by Boombats_Archive
http://www.culteducation.com/group/1261 ... nship.htmlI had a bass teacher who was in this and brought me to his men's meetings. It was great at first, since I didn't have a father and I always felt like an outsider in the society of Man. The campfire meetings, the camaraderie, the calling of each other's bullshit, etc. were just fine. However when I finally went to the actual weekend seminar/brainwashing experience, I saw the true nature of the organization. What a load of sad dick short weenis crap that was! Bunch of woman-bashing dickfluff. The irony is that probably the least macho thing a guy can do is to blame women for his failures, which is the nub of their philosophy. I can understand how it would appeal to "beta" men but come on dudes, how about taking personal responsibility? That's the most manly thing I can think of, but instead this group uses women as the scapegoat, saying that they should be "100% responsible for the relationship" because men just want approval and women just want security (i.e. money and a caveman to protect them). Also, "A. Justin Sterling" (not his real name of course)? A total schlub, a grubby nasty man who probably has to browbeat women to get sex. I can't stand white guys who wear Native American jewelry, blech. After several hours of waiting around, when he finally showed himself, I almost laughed out loud, like "THIS is the alpha male that we must aspire to be? No thanks!" I left that night before the naked men stuff happened, and believe me, naked men stuff HAPPENS.