Linus Van Pelt wrote:Congratulations, Ronald Reagan! You are now the second worst postwar American president! If only he could have lived to see it.
The writing was on the wall in neon letters, legible even to a man that had lost his mind.
I have voted Bush, but Regan sure does have a lot to answer for. Bush II's ascendency owes that adminstration everything.
Consider a few things:
The obvious is that had Bush's dad not been VP and P, Bush II would still be running failed companies. Nepotism happened. W likes to talk about being a "Washington Outsider" but when you had a key to the Whitehouse for 17 of the last 25 years, you're about as inside as it gets.
Bush's cabinet is a damn timewarp in effect.
Regan formed the first real true Republican/Evangelical bond. That was some serious road paving.
And subtley, but most important of all, Regan made America feel OK about being selfish.
I point straight to him when I consider the sense of entitlement that US citizens have. The most telling thing is the repal of the Estate Tax.
"Taxin' people for dyin' is just *wrong*!" say the detractors.
What, being able to die with $2m in the bank tax free isn't enough? The idea behind the estate tax was to prevent mini monarchies from sprouting up. Also, when people get that rich, it's with *our* roads, *our* airwaves and labor trained in *our* schools. Give something back!
If Jr. can't make it on the $1m you left him, he deserves to be broke.
Even though this tax affects .02% of the country, people are afraid that it might get them one day. After all, they are probably going to be filthy rich one day, right?
My favorite stat is that 20% of all Americans think they are in the top 1%.
In my mind, a slow shift occured starting in 1980. There was no longer any pride in being Middle Class. That made a spoiled, rich, prick, C student from Texas (actually New England) a suitable choice to run the free world.
It's also a reason why Jimmy Carter is often looked at as the Best Ex-President ever. People are looking back on that guy and saying, "wow, I'm not so sure about his 4 years, but ever since he left office he's put his money where his mouth is."
I used to think that the best way for the Dems to get back in the game was to be moderate. I don't think that way anymore. It will be hard, but they need to restore the dignity of being Middle Class, and make that socioeconomic status an honorable and acheivable goal.
Regan may have redefined what a successful life is, but if we're lucky, all of the crap that Bush II is responsible for might swing us back to normalcy after 28 years. One can hope.