Fender Twin Reverb; versions, pros and cons

Probably the most pain in the ass thing would be the PCB mounted pots.Here's a gut shot of someone that gutted their reissue Twin and rewired it with an eyelet board:The upper PCB doesn't look bad to me, not really any different than the 70's/80's PCB Marshalls I've owned.
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Fender Twin Reverb; versions, pros and cons

I actually like the 100W master volume Twin Reverb and the 45W master volume Pro Reverb when set up/maintained properly. BUT these things are usually in various states of fucked up. Some are harsh and thin sounding, others full and warm. I find the master volume useful (to a point). The best way to use it is to turn the master all the way up and get the sound you are looking for. Then dial the master back a bit to reduce volume somewhat. You get that thing below 5 and it typically no longer sounds good. I'd avoid the 135W version, though they were/are pretty popular with pedal steel players.Advice: if you go for a used silverface, try out a bunch. Do not buy one without hearing it.

Fender Twin Reverb; versions, pros and cons

My band played a show last weekend using some generously shared gear. My wife plays guitar, and her usual setup is a Silvertone 1483 through a Gibson Titan speaker cabinet, a 15 and two 10s. The Silvertone is only about 22 or so watts and its always cranked...so overdrive city. But the other day she played through a Fender Twin Reverb '65 RI and it sounded incredible. She plays lap steel, and is the only guitar player in the band, and the big, clean sound was fucking awesome. I want to get her a Twin Reverb, but there are so many options! Here are my thoughts so far;I loved the sound of the 65 reissue, but it's a PCB based amp. I feel like a dummy spending that much money on an amp with a PCB. I will definitely be buying used and cosmetics are of no consequence whatsoever. Always looking for a deal on an ugly amp.The Silverface era seems reasonable in terms of price and availability, but I know people hate on the Master Volume versions, and the Ultra Linear transformers even more so...whats the deal with each of these? Anyway...all help/advice is greatly appreciated. It's probably going to be quite a while before I'm in a position to buy, but I wanna have a better idea of what I'm looking at/for. Thank you.

Fender Twin Reverb; versions, pros and cons

Hey guys, I really appreciate the replies. Keep em coming. The links to the CL posts are awesome, but I'm not in a position to purchase at the moment. Just looking for input.I totally understand that the PCB thing is all in my head and I should just get over it. It's just that...I got most of my amp buying in 10-15 years ago and was lucky enough to end up with some nice vintage stuff without spending like a tone attorney. Putting up 6-8 hundo for something on a printed board just doesn't seem right. BUT, that is %100 all in my head. I was thinking the PCB version would be harder to service, but that's probably not totally true, right? The reissue she played the other day sounded awesome. I also really appreciate the Silverface construction/version info. Very helpful if and when I see one in the wild.FInger Genius, very good point. There are so many configurations of Fender tube amps that I am trying to just focus on a Twin Reverb for now for my sanity, but ya, those Bassman Tens rule. A friend had one years ago.

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