by TylerSavage_Archive
n.c. wrote:fuck a computer. there is a prevailing false axiom that somehow recording digitally is cheaper and more reliable than recording analog. i am betting that investing in a 1/4" 2 track (or two) and a backup multitrack will be cheaper/more economically viable in the long run than getting an interface, a dedicated computer, converters, and storage, plus all the time wasted backing up files.i just can't with digital, and recording to analog is rare enough to be a commodity unto itself. kids are buying cassettes again! new all vinyl record stores are opening and surviving. managing fucking data storage is a fucking pain in the ass and gets expensive. once it's on tape, it's backed up. someone loses the files or the fucking platform fails, we just rip another copy into the box. you will prove me wrong, but i will refuse to hear it.I don't dislike your moxy at all - tape makes drummers hit better, but tape storage once you start to build up a catalog will start to get expensive. I mean, you ever move with a decent record collection?Data storage these days .. 4TB for $100? Google Drive 1TB / $10 a month? This is my favorite USB stick right now - they're relatively bulletproof, from sandisk and cost nothing. Mr. Fancy blue light.https://www.bestbuy.com/site/sandisk-ul ... Id=92110781. Make Album2. Put on USB Stick. 3. Include in cost of recording - one for you/one for me. 4. Place in curiosity shelf with band-chosen Font. All have fun choosing font.5. laugh and Laugh and laughI think digital is cheaper up-front on the 'get the skills you need to succeed' front.