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Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:25 pm
by gonzochicago
Excavation begins! LFG.



Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 4:29 pm
by jeff fox
gonzochicago wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 3:12 pm
tommy wrote: Already stated on FB, but this is awesome.

Also sorta wondering if this has all been made possible because of the cryptocurrency thread.
100%. Yep! Let's just say the land is paid in full already, which is fucking nuts.
The most massive carbon footprint of any primitive cabin ever, I guess!

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 9:45 am
by AdamN
jeff fox wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 4:29 pm The most massive carbon footprint of any primitive cabin ever, I guess!
Really. lol

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:26 am
by A_Man_Who_Tries
AdamN wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 9:45 am
jeff fox wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 4:29 pm The most massive carbon footprint of any primitive cabin ever, I guess!
Really. lol
Out of interest, would there be any way of calculating this? Having a unit number attached to the cost would be handy to have as a rough guide for scale.

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 1:03 pm
by tommy
A_Man_Who_Tries wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:26 am
AdamN wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 9:45 am
jeff fox wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 4:29 pm The most massive carbon footprint of any primitive cabin ever, I guess!
Really. lol
Out of interest, would there be any way of calculating this? Having a unit number attached to the cost would be handy to have as a rough guide for scale.
If it can be done, and assuming you're talking about the carbon footprint of mining cryptocurrancy, can we also compare it to the offset of not having a kid(s).

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 1:26 pm
by brownreasontolive
tommy wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 1:03 pm
A_Man_Who_Tries wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:26 am
AdamN wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 9:45 am

Really. lol
Out of interest, would there be any way of calculating this? Having a unit number attached to the cost would be handy to have as a rough guide for scale.
If it can be done, and assuming you're talking about the carbon footprint of mining cryptocurrancy, can we also compare it to the offset of not having a kid(s).
I smell a thunderdome...

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 3:05 pm
by A_Man_Who_Tries
That would also be great to have.

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 1:03 pm
by Johnny Doglands
bishopdante wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:16 am
...They obviously do that on a massive Megawatts scale, but you could totally purchase a compact power generation unit designed for datacenter or telecommunications use, and run that into a suitable sized greenhouse growing... well... tomatoes. Dunno if you can get a cannabis growing license in Wisconsin, but I hear it's a cash crop that could fund a private space program (insert Highdeas here).

The Bladon micro-turbine is a lovely little thing, and if you want a 2MW unit with a rotor assembly the size of a washing machine, I've got some experience... both single stage radial turbines with a cantilevered structure, very much like a car turbocharger with a generator strapped to it.

You can also buy various turbines salvaged from the commercial aerospace industry, but they're not really designed for 24/7 reliable operation. Certainly piston engines are quite unsuitable for long-term low-noise/vibration high efficiency power generation, and the lack of effective and affordable small-scale turbine technology is one of the limits on off-grid urbanisation. Balancing the rotor is equivalent to precision, so it's possible to mass produce such things these days, whereas in the past it was horribly expensive to produce complex metal parts.

The core design advantage of a single stage radial turbine is that it's got just the one moving part: the spindle/rotor, so it's potentially cheap and reliable if you can solve the complexity and balance issues.

Diesel generators put out carbon monoxide as well as carbon dioxide. Those filters had better be miracle workers because otherwise spending an extended amount of time in that greenhouse you'd be putting yourself at risk. Industrial use can automate a lot of things. Things that humans would need to get in to do if you were doing it on a small scale.

I looked at that link. It's a marketing ploy when it says 'The MTG is EU Stage V equivalent and produces significantly less emissions than the new legislative requirements'. That thing would need to be putting out 40-50 times more energy than that for the Stage V rules to even apply. Legally, they have covered themselves with the links in the small print. It's exempt.
bishopdante wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:16 am The system becomes extremely efficient if you

A: use the heat as well as the electrical power
B: use the CO2 to grow plants in a greenhouse (the CO2 will tend to be warm even if you do remove some of the heat, so a tropical environment in arctic conditions is quite achievable)
The fumes are probably going to get you messed up in the head faster than the potential crop ever could.

At least the corpse would be full of nutrition for the plants.

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 1:36 pm
by Johnny Doglands
bishopdante wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:16 am
The system becomes extremely efficient if you

A: Die from the fumes
B: Land yourself in jail for growing weed because this is Wisconsin we are talking about, not Cali.

I suppose that would be most efficient... you would no longer have a need for the system, being elsewhere.

Re: Bought some land / Building the Compound (in Wisconsin)

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2021 2:02 pm
by gonzochicago
Johnny Doglands wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 1:03 pm
bishopdante wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:16 am
...They obviously do that on a massive Megawatts scale, but you could totally purchase a compact power generation unit designed for datacenter or telecommunications use, and run that into a suitable sized greenhouse growing... well... tomatoes. Dunno if you can get a cannabis growing license in Wisconsin, but I hear it's a cash crop that could fund a private space program (insert Highdeas here).

The Bladon micro-turbine is a lovely little thing, and if you want a 2MW unit with a rotor assembly the size of a washing machine, I've got some experience... both single stage radial turbines with a cantilevered structure, very much like a car turbocharger with a generator strapped to it.

You can also buy various turbines salvaged from the commercial aerospace industry, but they're not really designed for 24/7 reliable operation. Certainly piston engines are quite unsuitable for long-term low-noise/vibration high efficiency power generation, and the lack of effective and affordable small-scale turbine technology is one of the limits on off-grid urbanisation. Balancing the rotor is equivalent to precision, so it's possible to mass produce such things these days, whereas in the past it was horribly expensive to produce complex metal parts.

The core design advantage of a single stage radial turbine is that it's got just the one moving part: the spindle/rotor, so it's potentially cheap and reliable if you can solve the complexity and balance issues.

Diesel generators put out carbon monoxide as well as carbon dioxide. Those filters had better be miracle workers because otherwise spending an extended amount of time in that greenhouse you'd be putting yourself at risk. Industrial use can automate a lot of things. Things that humans would need to get in to do if you were doing it on a small scale.

I looked at that link. It's a marketing ploy when it says 'The MTG is EU Stage V equivalent and produces significantly less emissions than the new legislative requirements'. That thing would need to be putting out 40-50 times more energy than that for the Stage V rules to even apply. Legally, they have covered themselves with the links in the small print. It's exempt.
bishopdante wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:16 am The system becomes extremely efficient if you

A: use the heat as well as the electrical power
B: use the CO2 to grow plants in a greenhouse (the CO2 will tend to be warm even if you do remove some of the heat, so a tropical environment in arctic conditions is quite achievable)
The fumes are probably going to get you messed up in the head faster than the potential crop ever could.

At least the corpse would be full of nutrition for the plants.
Hello fellow nerds. "Not a Cult" sign out front sounds good.

I don't know what any of this means. I'm a very slow learner, easily distract-able, and pretty dense, but I could learn things like this.

Spending the time and money to finalize phase 1 of this build, I'm going to do my best to prep / landscape some of the place and try to set up a small garden for the first summer. New to me, and hard work, but even somewhat failure could product decent results. The smaller cabin will be far enough away from the main house build as to not get totally hosed up when the larger spot comes in.

Year 2, I'd like to plan some additional raised beds, see what sticks, grow half the food I eat (I'm kind of sick of meat TBH) + greenhouses for fall continuity.

Any food growth / monetization of this place, a % is going to get donated to midwest food banks / charities / etc. Aside from that, there will be weeks blocked out where people can come hang for free / donation, if they need to check out of this shit-show. I'll flesh this out as it comes. At this time, I'm only going to be renting to take care of property taxes + base level costs of keeping the plot humming.

Hopped over another long delay (WPS electrical). Seems like February is gonna be the month for this small guy to be totally done, barring any crazy shit.

Progress in the last week :

- 10 x 20 wood crib builder locked. Will be delivered on wooden ski's in January. Metal roof. Should hold 4-5 cords of wood.
- Excavator says I'll have 4-5 cords of wood from the fallen trees.. Purchased this wood splitter, so I can put them in above mentioned wood crib and they'll be ready next year - ... 6151799--1
- Garage builder locked + could / will likely be prepped in January + built by March.
- Nabbed a trailer for my UTV (CFMoto U-Force 1000)
- Locked a rental on a moderately cheap cabin nearby (comparatively, but still expensive) for 2 weeks ... will likely need longer, which sucks. Not many other options up there aside from ultra shitty motels that would only be marginally less money

Not holding my breath for Wisconsin weed growing in the next decade. As for crypto mining, I doubt it's going to happen any time soon...unless I can get something like Starlink and have it be stable. Internet is going to be a BIG problem. Called 7 different companies + I think I'm stuck with 12 MEG Frontier (garbage) DSL. Holy shit. A tech nerd we know has Starlink up there, and he'll dig for me, but officially, it's "unavailable" in my area. Could be a workaround... having all the nerds looking into it. Might not even bother with such tragic DSL and simply use a Hotspot alongside using the internet less. "Welcome to the Northwoods", they all say (which is a stupid fucking thing to say in 2021) - Talked to a local guy who took huge loans to build out / glom onto towers himself. He's also digging for me. i'm amazed at the lack of options. Hey, at least it's not 1998 tho...right?

Big music fest in CDMX today. Caught Portland's The Shivas, and they'll play again today. The SPITS were supposed to headline, but cancelled. Hot Snakes NYE show I planned to attend is also cancelled. Flying into Chicago and probably heading to Milwaukee for NYE now.
