I want to believe but never experienced anything weird.
My wife, on the other hand, told me about a "vivid" ghost manifestation she experienced as a teenager and to this day she's convinced it was real. If any other person told me that I wouldn't believe'em. She's a kinda rational person, so her credibility is intact methinks.
Re: Ghosts C/NC
Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 10:58 am
by Tree
If you have them then you have everything.
Re: Ghosts C/NC
Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 11:02 am
by rsmurphy
I've never seen a ghost and this upsets me.
There was once a thread on the old forum about spectral encounters, and reading that was a gas. Again, never had a personal ghost encounter, but I did experience something too odd to be coincidental:
I watched my mom die after a couple of years of fighting cancer. Early morning. Laid in the bed right next to her. The least I could do. Anyway, she had a coterie of home hospice nurses who would visit and take care of things myself and/or my siblings couldn't. I grew to like these ladies.
A week or so after her funeral I decided to go to the theater and watch The Passion of the Christ. As I was pulling into the parking lot with my mom's car I noticed an SUV that looked a lot like my sister's. Instantly forgot about it and went to get a seat. Waiting for trailers I see out of the corner of my eye my sister walking down the aisle. We laugh at the coincidence, but then hear two ladies talking a couple of rows back. It's the two home hospice nurses who took care of my mom. It was all just too something to be coincidental.
Was also privileged to watch both my grandmaw and pappa dip out, but nothing weird after those occasions. But I digress...ghosts are not crap.
^ science
Re: Ghosts C/NC
Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 11:09 am
by kicker_of_elves
Wood Goblin wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 8:32 am
[Scottish accent]. . . Ghosts? I thought you said goats![Scottish accent]
Re: Ghosts C/NC
Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 2:43 pm
by Frankie99
Not crap but also not real. 150,000 people die per day and we have no evidence of the supposed ghosts on they become outside of a couple of hokey tours around Charleston and New Orleans? I call bullshit.
Re: Ghosts C/NC
Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 3:48 pm
by Pembs
What's the line from The Debt to Pleasure?
We're scared of ghosts because we know they don't exist, so what would it mean if we saw one?
Something like that.
Still, not crap
Re: Ghosts C/NC
Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 4:52 pm
by penningtron
Frankie99 wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 2:43 pm
Not crap but also not real. 150,000 people die per day and we have no evidence of the supposed ghosts on they become outside of a couple of hokey tours around Charleston and New Orleans? I call bullshit.
Haha true. Where are all the mundane ghosts..
The site of HH Holmes' infamous murder castle in the Englewood neighborhood of Chicago now sits an ALDI IIRC. Is that ALDI haunted as fuck..
Re: Ghosts C/NC
Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 5:20 pm
by djimbe
from 1993 - 2019 I owned a house that was built in 1863 and was said to be haunted. I heard a few stories from a direct descendent of the builder that I met, and the guy next door had a 100 year family history there and he KNEW it was haunted. So was his place, so he said. I'm sure I've told a few stories about this on the old board. I never felt anything there, but I had many friends that insisted there was activity. Some here may know I worked with the Califone guys and the album/movie "All My Friends Are Funeral Singers" was largely written in the house when Tim was trying to relax after a tour. He also was convinced the house was haunted and his impressions of the sprit informed the libretto and the film was shot in my house because it was a vacant rental at the time. Tim thought the ghost was a young girl, and he's not the only one who had that feeling. The family lore is that the youngest of the house builder's kids (a female) was kinda nuts and generally restricted to a 2nd floor back bedroom that had been added in the early 1890's at the top of the butler's staircase that was there at the time. That back bedroom addition made the house a tri-gable and up in the attic where they cut in the new gable you could still see the original cedar shingles that were hammered home when President Lincoln was alive.
I sold the house in 2019 to a couple from Lincoln Park who were developers and wanted a house in the Indiana Dunes near the beach to get out of the city. I told them about all this and they seemed to brush it off. They did the update I could never afford and sold it last year and I don't know if they passed on the lore to the newest owners.
Re: Ghosts C/NC
Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 5:36 pm
by boilermaker
How come none of the people who can "see" ghosts, have never seen dinosaur ghosts? They are huge, they would be hard to miss.
Re: Ghosts C/NC
Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 6:41 pm
by losthighway
I like ghost stories, I love the ghost figure as a literary metaphor, Jungian archetype sort of thing. I could not, would not want to infect a true believer with my hard skepticism, but I'm more Scully than Moulder.
I always think of this old English dude I chatted with in a Spanish pub. He was sharing his experiences in America with me. He mocked the awed tone a tour guide had in some historic east Coast house. The guide said, "And this house is over 170.... years.... old!". The geezer piped up, "Me mum's house is older 'en that!!!".
Which is to say the American mind is easily impressed by relatively minor antiquity. If New Orleans and New England are so old they're lousy with ghosts, you can't make a left turn in Rome or Hong Kong without hitting thousands of them.