Marsupialized wrote:This city is booming? Tell that to all the homeless people, and people who happen to live on the southside and westside ... Where on earth did you get the idea the public schools in Chicago have greatly improved? Because that's what the city says? They are lying.
my girlfriend is from the south side, and lives there now, though she's lived in the logan/humbolt area as well. she's told me about how much gentrification is going on in the neighborhood she's from, bridgeport... if i told her "there's serious gentrification going on right now on the south side" she would say "uh, yeah, duh! i'm the one who told you about it!"
my cousins grew up on the west side, near belmont and central. my male cousin used to get beat up by thug assholes when he was a kid. both my cousisns probably got a really modest education. their parents were not wealthy, obviously, or they wouldn't have lived there. nor are their parents well educated. their mom is actually serously mentally mucked up, like mentally she's like a little kid. i don't think she even graduated highschool, though maybe she did.
they both graduated college. my male cousin has basically achieved his dream, to work alongside nature. he's working for the Department of Natural Resources. and my female cousin is working her way up the management chain of a high-end interior design type place. both of them have purchased homes in the suburbs, which is more than i can say for myself.
my girlfriend's education was in the chicago public school system, on the south side. neither of her parents went to college, and her mom barely finished highschool. she was just telling me the other day about how in 8th grade, because their school (which she described as "one of the best in the CPS system") was understaffed, their class basically had no teacher, and she didn't spend her time in class anyways, because they had her *teaching a kindergarten class*!!! how fucked up is that? what a terrible school system!! and right now, she is finishing up grad school with an incredible GPA. in her case, it's very clear that she's a prime example of how the education and attention you receive from your parents at a very young age is incredibly valuable, probably at least as much as the schooling itself, if not moreso. in her case, i'd say it's clearly "moreso". her work ethic is the reason she's accomplishing so much with her life. and she's a product of the south side, and the south side CPS system.
my grandfather grew up in an orphanage. his father had something like 10 kids or so, some absurd number... he has more brothers and sisters than i could keep track of without trying really hard. and his father worked at an orphanage, and that was part of his pay, was that he and his kids got to live there. he ertainly didn't attend college, and i am curious to know where he went to school and for how long... his wife spoke polish and english equally well (her father never even learned english) and she was able to work nights as the manager of a crew of cleaning ladies, since she could translate. they had my mom and the aunt that had the cousins i talked about. my mom didn't go to college either, and she's managed to work her way up to the point where she's working in IT doing financial shit for a company she's been with so long, if she tried to quit and then come back, they couldn't possibly hire her, even though she's got like 15 years experience working there, because in the time she's been there, they put in a rule that they'll only hire college grads. my dad didn't go to college, and he worked as an engineer for an aircraft manufacturer before his current position engineering at Shure. neither of them got a great education. neither of them grew up at all privilidged. they both had parents who were working at least one job each, or more. both of their mothers worked to help out with money, which 50 years ago was a much bigger deal than today, now that it's basically the norm.
if it isn't clear, my point is that bitching about how bad an education system is, as far as i'm concerned, that's crap. teach your kids on your own when they're young, and they'll get the most out of school as they can. teach them dedication and hard work (that's something that comes from the parents, not from school), and they'll be able to build a life for themselves, and their kids will be able to do better, and so on. i realize racial biases play into things, but again, there are so many examples of non-white people who do this exact same thing and to even greater degrees than what my family's done in chicago.
my grandma, the one who worked the cleaning crew, she and i had a conversation maybe 8 or 10 years ago, before alzheimers destroyed her... i was complaining about how i was a college grad getting paid around $20K a year to do very complex tech-related work, for a very small company, that was making my jackass boss a multimillionaire. she flipped out on me, and told me to be happy i had a job, and to do whatever my boss told me to do, and even if i have a college degree, if he told me to clean a toilet, i should clean the toilet!! i think that's nuts. but it's an attitude like hers that made it possible for me to have the attitude i have today, and its the too-prevailent complete absence of that kind of attitude that ensures there will always be people who don't do shit to help themselves.
my ex-girlfriend was a social worker for years, working with super-poor people and foster kids in the worst parts of the south, west and north sides. and the stories she had to tell, about how many of these people were dirt poor, and would take on foster kids so they could get money, and then treat the kids like shit, like property, basically like slaves, it was disgusting. she told me once about one of the mothers, who was way overweight (which should not be possible if you're dirt poor) who would try and send her, a social worker, out to buy cigarettes for her so she didn't have to leave the couch. understand this, my ex is as sympathetic and optimistic a person as you'll meet, she's not a hater *at all*. the opposite. so don't try and read some bias into this. this is the fact of the matter as far as the unmerited sense of entitlement that allows people to live shit lives in shit conditions and never get out of it. to take on foster kids, in addition to their own kids, as a source of income, and then do jack shit for any of these kids. and worse, to set a terrible example.
but go ahead and imply or say outright that Daley is somehow to blame for the imbalance in this city, and that the bad school system makes it so people can't do well to help themselves.
LVP wrote:If, say, 10% of lions tried to kill gazelles, compared with 10% of savannah animals in general, I think that gazelle would be a lousy racist jerk.