Are you male or female?

I am not a hermaphrodite but my dog is. We named her Lucy and raised her as a girl dog but she pees like a boy and hates strapping young male dogs with big balls.

Does anyone else have a hermaphroditic pet? If so, have you ever had any socialization problems with them? When we first got Lucy we thought that her hermaphroditism wouldn't be an issue. I mean, they're dogs, right? How could dogs possibly have a problem with this sort of thing? But it became apparent as she reached adulthood that her sexual ambiguity was complicating her relationships with certain dogs.

My neighbor - who knows all about Lucy - recommended this novel called Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. Like Lucy, the main character of this book is a hermaphrodite. So far this is the only similarity I have found between the protagonist and our dog.

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