
Total votes: 3 (9%)
Total votes: 32 (91%)
Total votes: 35

City: Seattle.

Yeah, Bumbershoot is not so exciting this year. That said, I like Bumbershoot for reasons outside a good band lineup. I just like the idea of everyone just convening in a really beautiful park to have the ultimate fair with arts of all kinds everywhere, even if it's not rock music all the time. Posterstock (or was it called Posterpalooza?) was GREAT to see last time, and I hope it's around again. Meredith Monk's playing on Sunday(!!) I love Bumbershoot for the non-rock surprises.

As for the Sunset Tavern, well, I moved here right before Tim moved out, so I've only known the place as a venue with that No Drunks sign.. i.e. post Ballard gentrification. but it is a place to see great bands occasionally, and the sound has never been bad there, from my experience. Last time, I saw David Thomas and David Grubbs perform there, with Drew Daniel (Matmos, The Soft Pink Truth) DJing in between.

This Saturday, the A-Frames, Old Time Relijun, and The Cripples are playing at the Sunset.. I plan to be there.
"Pro Tools is too California Hollywood bullshit.”

City: Seattle.

my dad has a brother and a sister who both live in seattle (capital hill and west seattle respectively) and i've been to bumbershoot several times as a youngster. i saw sonic youth there. i smoked my first pot there in the stadium, right before a ramones show, and then ate a bunch of thai peanut chicken on stick, astonishing my parents with my appetite. i got over my seafood fear in seattle at age 12 at anthony's homeport. it's a beautiful place. the region has a great growing season and many great farmer's markets. you can have a palm tree next a spruce in your front yard (and how about those monkey tail trees?!). it does have its problems though; horrible traffic and a lack of good public transport, and a particularly bland downtown are among them. all in all though, not crap.

the most annoying thing about seattle to me is, every time i'm there people always ask me where i'm from and then seem either shocked or disappointed when i say michigan, like they were expecting me to say slovenia or something. wtf?

City: Seattle.

We played a great show at the Funhouse in the shadow of the Space Needle back in May to a warm, friendly reception. We got a glowing qriteup in the Stranger for it, too. Our buddy Al took us for a ride around town and found us a spot to sit and just gaze at the skyline. Green plants everywhere. Archie McPhee. Jesus fricking balls, Seattle is NOT CRAP!

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

City: Seattle.

tmidgett wrote:
rob v. wrote:does anyone know anything about the crocodile club or sunset tavern? anyone played there? also, how about mootsy's in spokane? sorry to change the subject a bit.

played at the croc approx. 500 times

In the eightites there was a club in Rayleigh called crocs.

They had a live crocodile in the reception.
My sister used to meet depeche mode on the a127 and take them to their gig there.

Crazy. She had a ford anglia.
peri wrote:The gfirl just emailed me, "I've never had any desire to eat a scotch egg'.

I guess she gonna go hungry tonight

City: Seattle.

Lived there in '90-'91 in a studio at Broadway and John, between the Pay 'n' Save and the Funky Broadway East. Not in school, highly draftable, 20 yrs old so couldn't go to most concerts, wish I'd had a car so I could've gotten into the mountains more than the once a month when my friends would take me on hiking trips, wish I'd gone to Vancouver at least once, but many good memories of hiking to work from Capitol Hill to Pioneer Square, even one day around Christmas when there was a snowstorm so heavy that the only cars on my corner were city trucks and cars with chains on the tires; good memories of seeing Betty Blue, Wild at Heart, all the arthouse movies at the Harvard Exit and the Neptune; good memories of taking the bus to the U District to play pinball and also to shoot pool at...whatever the pool hall is there that had a frosted-glass skylight (the best daytime pool ever); good memories of lunch hours along the lake and at the OK Hotel (where I often played the Smart Set pinball machine -- and all I remember of the movie Singles now is watching the scenes shot in the OK Hotel and just waiting waiting for a shot of that pinball machine, and then there it was)!

So, salut, Seattle, for nostalgic and subjective reasons.

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