Album: " Tonight s the Night" by Neil Young
Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:06 am
Flaneur wrote:The real test for the individual listener on Tonight's The Night comes halfway through "Mellow My Mind", when he gets to the second "Ain't got nothin' on those feelings that I haaaa-a-aaa-aa-aaad" -- and he's, well, as off-key as off-key gets, plus he's swaying in front of the microphone.
I love it. It's one of my favorite records. (In high school, I spent many wintery Minnesota mornings on my 45-minute bus ride listening to a cassette with "Tonight's The Night" on side A and "Nebraska" on side B.)
It's one of the best examples of a record with a specific occasion to it, a unified feeling, which is kind of a marvel considering the wide range of arrangements (solo piano/harmonica, quiet acoustic, full rock band, live song, etc.).