Is this show any good??

Total votes: 3 (10%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 26 (90%)
Total votes: 29

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica

Hexpane wrote:
DrAwkward wrote:I just watched a downloaded copy of "Razor," the 2-hour TV movie that is being aired this weekend on Sci-Fi. It's very good, and is chock full of old school original series Cylons for the nerds. So, ya know, watch it, so we can discuss it.

Hmm I pre ordered the DVD...not shipping til DEc and the TV version is set to broadcast this weekend? WTF

There's some sort of contract agreement that says any movies made must first be broadcast on TV or some damn thing. Anyway, yeah, it's beaing broadcast on SciFi this Saturday, and then released on DVD like 10 days later. The DVD'll have plenty of extras and stuff, so i imagine it'll be worth it. I know i'm buying it!

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica


It's already back?!?

Are there any Chicago folk who would object to having a near-stranger (me) hang out with them to watch BSG this Friday? My Chicago connection (John W.) has moved to Kentucky and I don't have that channel as part of my already ridiculously expensive Concast (no mis-spelling there) package.

I will bring a six pack and chips in gratitude.

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica

Hmmm... I remember when this show first came out, thinking to myself: "Nice. they've brought back another sweet memory from my childhood to besmirch and defile, just like they did with Speed Racer and Land of the Lost." For that reason, I refused to even give it a chance.

Edward James Olmos in a sci-fi series? It's NOT CRAP, you say? WTF?

Methinks mayhap I shall deign to torrenting this.

When are they gonna bring back The Six Million Dollar Man, The Incredible Hulk, The Black Sheep Squadron and Fantasy Island?

" new" TV show Battlestar Galactica

DrAwkward wrote:Just watched the Season 4 premiere and loved it. You?

I liked it a lot. I think it may have been too Starbuck laden, but that makes sense, given the dubious nature of her return. I am confident that the episodes are just going to get better and better now that the network is convinced that stand-alone episodes are shit.

I have some spoiler information on the prequel series, "Caprica", that can be found here: it's information on characters they're casting for the program. If anyone takes a gander, I'd be interested to know what they think about it in comparison to what is happening on BSG right now.

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