Gee, I wonder where has Olbermann been regarding the NY Times expose from two weeks ago that describes how the Pentagon was sending in propaganda pushers to all of the TV networks? NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN and MSNBC all refuse to even comment on the story much less acknowledge it. PBS has covered it but received "no comment" from any of the other networks.
Oh that's right, he was too busy sucking the cock of his corporate masters and making sure not to cover anything other than their pre-approved and safely market tested faux outrage that somehow didn't manage to come out until we were 5 years into the Iraq war.
Way to step up there Keith. What an asset to our free exchange of ideas and information you are. A shining example of a free press. I guess I was wrong about you the whole time.
Olbermann Steps Up
Last edited by El Protoolio_Archive on Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.