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Shellac May 17th KoKo

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 4:21 am
by Tommy Alpha_Archive
I was late getting to Camden Town. Some slight handed fucker lifted my phone straight out of my pocket without me realising it. Was late meeting my girlfriend sorting this out at the station, getting a crime reference number for insurance and whatever. In the meantime my she calls my phone and, upon speaking to the fucker gets really worried that something far worse has happened and freaks out, making our eventual meeting a somewhat fraught affair.

It was worth all of this just to hear Bob Weston say “I get on the bus with me day-saver” in a Jamaican accent.

Sir, the people of Lewisham salute you!!

Shellac May 17th KoKo

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 6:06 am
by dash-x_Archive
excellent gig.

lords were great! they made a shout out to a mate of mine called nick between songs! it was awesome.

shellac though, i can't really say how great they were. exceeded my expectations.


Shellac May 17th KoKo

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 6:18 am
by sparky_Archive
What a fine gig. Absolutely perfect. The music, the atmosphere, and the exceptionally humourous carriage of the band made an ideal balance. The monologues were inspired, the Q&A/stand-up was hilarious and physical, and Todd was, well, Todd just rocked.

I've seen them five times now since 1996, and that was the best that I've seen them. I admire the way they change up on old standards (I cannot call "Wingwalker" or "The Billiard Player Song" anything else) - it is so refreshing to hear a familiar song and still get some surprise from its delivery. The new songs were fierce and strong.

Extrapolating this, I cannot wait to see them in another 15 years. No doubt, they will make my head implode.

The Lords were great as well - and charming in their delivery. I particularly liked what I think was their fourth song, which had what sounded like a Django play in there. Fab stuff.

What a fine show! The Dad of Sparky loved it as well, which was truly gratifying. It was quite funny to be standing amidst a bunch of scruffs with a grey haired geezer in a tweed jacket.

phildodd wrote:Any chance that the first people there to form as a group could make a sign? That would be much better than people just walking from table to table saying "erm, excuse me, are you Sparky and his dad?"

Phil, if I had read this before I went, I would've made a sign - sorry! I had to leave early to pick some people up. It ended up being a little hectic just trying to get all of our little group together, so I didn't get to talk enough to anyone anyway!

Zaf - apologies for my lanky friend Howard standing lummox like in front of you at the start. He cannot help it. He has grey hair. I trust you made it further in with the nude-charge technique we discussed. Dad sends his love.

Andrew & John - lovely to see you! I'll be in touch soon.

Shellac May 17th KoKo

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 6:20 am
by Tommy Alpha_Archive

You know, that's exactly what I did this morning. I got up early, I rocked and I turned up to work late. And I'll rock later on too.

They were even playing the 'loaf today at work, which is probably as close as i'll get to rocking without headphones between 9 and 5.30.

Lords were fucking brilliant, the amp held out and everything. I really need to travel to Nottingham more often.
Shellac- was one of the best times I've seen them. Probably the best. I'm always astounded by how great they sound- never mind the performance, song writing and showmanship... blah blah blah

great night!

Shellac May 17th KoKo

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 6:41 am
by fiery jack_Archive
Man am I sorry I had to miss this.
My friend didn't


Shellac May 17th KoKo

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 7:06 am
by hip priest_Archive ... h20071.jpg

I think that's my head in the foreground

Shellac May 17th KoKo

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 7:42 am
by honeyisfunny_Archive
Hey, thanks everyone! I felt like maybe the crowd was a bit 50/50 with us but then again I couldn't see or hear anything, it was a bit like being in a burlesque womb and feeling like you might shit yourself.

I am sure I said it enough last night but the men of Shellac are gents and restored my faith in humanity - thanks.

Shellac May 17th KoKo

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 8:15 am
by Barry Shostakovitch_Archive
Bit naughty of the DJ to play 'Heart Shaped Box' just before they came on.

And Steve was looking very trim.

Shellac May 17th KoKo

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 8:33 am
by Tommy Alpha_Archive
honeyisfunny wrote:Hey, thanks everyone! I felt like maybe the crowd was a bit 50/50 with us but then again I couldn't see or hear anything, it was a bit like being in a burlesque womb and feeling like you might shit yourself.

I am sure I said it enough last night but the men of Shellac are gents and restored my faith in humanity - thanks.

Where I was standing in front of the stage, it was nothing but cheers- can't really say for the rest of the place but everyone around me was having a great time!

Shellac May 17th KoKo

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 9:53 am
by Sebastian J_Archive
looks like you guys had a blast! great!