Game: match that franchise eatery w- a rock band.

International House of Pancakes = Bad Religion

Close to acceptable upon first inspection, subsequent visits at other times and locations reveals a dense, plastic, cookie-cutter inadequacy and lack of variety/substance not unlike jerking off simply so you can go to sleep.

Like the thick and stale, sweet, uniform scoops of "butter" on everything, IHOP's only remaining brick of substance (i.e. the only one it ever had, and the one around which popular opinion built some sort of shit-pile shaped castle, while IHOP causually pretended they deserved it) melted long ago into a puddle of grease which ran down the ass crack of the real food and which--if you looked away for even a second, and then had the nerve to look back--became a laughable transparency of vague "French-ness" or our childish pre-WWII idea of what that is.

Edit: Sorry, I responded off of IHOP on the first page. I don't know WaWa's. But for my franchise I say...Jamba Juice.

Game: match that franchise eatery w- a rock band.

Jamba Juice = Sublime
trying to pass off as exotic, even though everyone knows it was concieved in someone's garage in suburban L.A., and it's marketed as being better (and/or better for you) than it is.

(for the record: i would dispute the analogy of Shellac to Starbucks. how about something a little more... omnipresent? like Bono. not U2. just Bono.)

Franchise: Noodles & Co.
if i got lasik surgery on one eye, i could wear a monacle.

Game: match that franchise eatery w- a rock band.

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:Beef-A-Roo = Jerry Lee Lewis

Have legally employed thirteen year olds for greasy, degrading tasks.

Bradley R. Weissenberger also wrote:AM/PM mini-markets = Chemical Brothers

Only two guys on shift. Both are button punchers with limited skills.

Both of these contributions are just fantastic.

Thanks again to Andrew L.AD for thinking of this game!

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