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Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:01 pm
by Skronk_Archive
Unblinking Eye wrote:
Rick Reuben wrote: There is no way for me to 'approve' of the qualifications for anyone who takes that job, Jew or non-Jew. They are all engaged in fraud and theft and corruption and promotion of war and terrorism. It's their life of sin.

What a lord of horseshit, coward. That line is so stupid I can ignore your anti-jew leanings and just concentrate on how stupid you are.

People can't be qualified for jobs that are illegal? One guy can't be more qualified to commit fraud than another? Just any old guy can head the Fed?

You can try to spin it all you like pindick, but you are a coward for ducking the issue, you anti-jew cunt.

Why don't you save your disgusting hate-bating for a different forum, Unblinking? Why should illegal positions of power be argued for, you nitwit?
The only one that continually tries to a get a rise out of someone by constantly mixing in anti-semitic charges is you Unblinking Eye, like someone will actually fall for it. If anything, you're the one who's practicing performance art.

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:15 pm
by galanter_Archive
Bob, I mean Rick,

a reminder that:

(1) disagreement does not indicate lying. It indicates disagreement.

(2) I didn't say the reasons I listed for taking out Saddam were Bush's reasons, nor do I believe that I am in any way forced to only choose between you and George Bush.

(3) Can you explain the (hopefully significant) differences between your position and the classic anti-Semite position* I noted above?


* i.e. "The Jews control the media. The Jews control the banks. The Jews control everything, and they inflict unceasing evil on the rest of us" style-paranoia

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:25 pm
by Skronk_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:That is still the American Dream, right?

Seems appropriate, somehow.

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:33 pm
by galanter_Archive
I'm not sure you will ever understand this, but I am not engaged in a discussion as to the quality of the Bush administration. I am explaining why I thought and still believe it was a good idea to remove Saddam from power.

That's really it for today...

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:06 pm
by sphincter_Archive
It's always hilarious when Skronk comes into these threads and posts after clocker bob like this little ninja side kick laughing at bobs jokey comments adding little jibs and jabs. No offence, I'm's hilarious.

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:56 pm
by Skronk_Archive
sphincter wrote:It's always hilarious when Skronk comes into these threads and posts after clocker bob like this little ninja side kick laughing at bobs jokey comments adding little jibs and jabs. No offence, I'm's hilarious.

I'm a fan of the way you interject once the dust has settled. You're on the ball, Sphincter.

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:21 pm
by sphincter_Archive
Skronk wrote:
sphincter wrote:It's always hilarious when Skronk comes into these threads and posts after clocker bob like this little ninja side kick laughing at bobs jokey comments adding little jibs and jabs. No offence, I'm's hilarious.

I'm a fan of the way you interject once the dust has settled. You're on the ball, Sphincter.

Good reply! You're saying I don't get involved whilst the argument is raging and I wait for things to die down or something? I wonder what my motives are? Perhaps I'm trying to avoid being 'owned'? Mostly right, also you could have said something about how most of my comments don't enhance the current topic in focus and just divert onto some lesser subject which doesn't really have much to do with the important things being talked about.

Your sarcasm was accurately deployed when you said I'm on the ball, I'm clearly not! 'Owned'!

Anyway, sorry for wasting time, I'll come back when I have something better to say or perhaps that's a lie.

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:27 pm
by Unblinking Eye_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
Unblinking Eye wrote:People can't be qualified for jobs that are illegal? One guy can't be more qualified to commit fraud than another? Just any old guy can head the Fed?

<Anything and everything he can to not answer the question>

What a shock coward. Whether you feel the Fed is legal or not is irrelevant. Try to hide behind it all you want.

Anyone on the forum can answer the questions that you continually duck, coward. Don't you have any fucking pride? I mean, you've spend just about every waking moment of your life for the last couple years performance arting yourself into some sort of tough guy. Strap on some nuts for god sakes. It is a simple question.

People can't be qualified for jobs that are illegal? One guy can't be more qualified to commit fraud than another? Just any old guy can head the Fed?

You can try to spin it all you like pindick, but you are a coward for ducking the issue, you anti-jew cunt.

Keep ducking Tom. Keep dancing. Fits right in with your performance art. Remind me again how Rick is different from Bob.

Please sign one of these statements.

I believe that previous Jewish leaders of the Federal Reserve are unqualified for their positions and only hold them because they are Jewish.

I believe that previous Jewish leaders of the Federal reserve are completely qualified for their positions and shouldn't be held to a different standard simply because they are Jewish.

Your continued attempts to duck this question prove to everyone what a coward you are. I can't wait for your next post, and your typical chicken shit response. You are a world class pussy. $10 bucks says you're wearing a dress right now.

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:28 pm
by Unblinking Eye_Archive
And back to the little point of you being a cowardly hypocrite.

clocker bob wrote:
Right back at you, coward. At least I put a name on my posts ( my e-mail link ). Stay hunched over your anonymous keyboard in your anonymous basement, pretending to have an anonymous pair...

Um... I can't seem to find your email address. I can't find it in your Clocker Bob posts either. Now, explain to us why this doesn't make you a coward...or a hypocrite.

Clocker Bob is Wrong about 9-11

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:43 pm
by Skronk_Archive
sphincter wrote:Mostly right, also you could have said something about how most of my comments don't enhance the current topic in focus and just divert onto some lesser subject which doesn't really have much to do with the important things being talked about.

I don't have to point out how you can't add to a discussion, it's obvious.

sphincter wrote:Anyway, sorry for wasting time, I'll come back when I have something better to say or perhaps that's a lie.

I'm waiting for you to say something insightful about anything. I think I'll have to wait a while.