Watchmen Movie Website

After watching the trailer, I have to say I'm pretty indifferent to this movie. Something seems... off. Even though the makers have gone out of their way to adhere to the visual style of the novel as much as possible (a commendable move on their part), it just seems on the wrong side of slick to me.

Add to that some serious rumors from the nerd underground about the ending being changed to please "the suits", and I just don't think I have much hope for this one. I'd like to be wrong.

(Things I liked: Dr. Manhattan looks great. Really great. Nice casting choice on Rorschach, too.)
I have been influenced by posters

Watchmen Movie Website

Oh jeez. Just saw the trailer.

"From the visionary director of 300"
Oh good lord. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that!

This looks like just another glossy superhero flick. Well done Hollywood, you've put something great through the de-flavourising machine and come out with meh. I know, I know, wait for the film, yeah yeah yeah. But come on!

And the biggest brown cherry on top of this cow pie? Billy Fucking Corgan whining his way along with it. Shitty and possibly quite fitting.

Watchmen Movie Website

They're not going to market the thing as a brooding contemplation of authoritarianism and social ennui. They've still got to put asses in seats. Hence this cut of the trailer.

But go ahead make the fanboy judgment from the trailer. Better seat in the theater for me.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

Watchmen Movie Website

Ty Webb wrote:They're not going to market the thing as a brooding contemplation of authoritarianism and social ennui. They've still got to put asses in seats. Hence this cut of the trailer.

But go ahead make the fanboy judgment from the trailer. Better seat in the theater for me.


I think it would be hilarious if the trailer was meant for the opening of Ma Ma Mia. A sweet, flowery trailer with each frame completely bathed in morning sunlight...

Jesus. People just wanna hate this thing.

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