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Total votes: 77

Do you plan on having a family?

Dr. Venkman wrote:
NerblyBear wrote:Man, isn't it so cute to stand above a baby and hold out your pinky to him/her, whereupon a tiny, squishy hand comes up to grab it? That's the cutest shit in the world. A little, pink hand which is like a twentieth the size of our hands is so FUCKING adorable I could just shit.

I might have to have children if only so I can do that every day.

People who think babies aren't cute: what is the matter w/ you? You're inhuman. Sure, there are some peanutheads here and there, but mostly they're cuter than kittens.

Cuteness of babies = one of the main reasons to own one. Little Mini-Me's.

You don't own no baby. Don't get it twisted.

Cuter than kittens? What the hell is wrong with you?

This is way fucked up. I, I , I have nothing to say. Please do not have children. Not you Dr. V, the other guy.

Do you plan on having a family?

Marsupialized wrote:First off 'all the biological steps' are as follows:
1. Fucking.
2. Fucking some more.
That's it.

And Holy fuck? How could you sit there as a human being and even consider making a new baby when there are so many children already on this planet who don't have a family? Why shouldn't human beings be forced to clean up their own fucking mess before just plopping out more and more and more kids?
There are millions of orphans out there, alone with nobody. There's kids starving to death right now, there's kids living in boxes on the street and across town Richard and Susie yuppie are spending 10 grand at a fucking fertility clinic trying to have a baby? Huh? What? That's fucking monstrously evil.
I'm supposed to be cool with this shit?
People are ignorant self centered assholes and I hate them to no end.

Take that 10 grand and give someone who's already here a life, you disgusting selfish assholes.

For you guys that purport to be pro-choice, you seem to want to limit the choice of people with fertility issues.

Fertility treatment is free in the UK (up to a point).

Do you plan on having a family?

Perhaps, rather than having such vitriol for those seeking fertility treatments, you could save it up for those recklessly pro-creating instead? It seems to me that the solution to the problem of the thousands upon thousands of children without loving families is not to attack fertility treatment, which helps those who are unfortunate enough to be physically lacking, but rather to attack those who certainly aren't physically lacking yet wantonly abuse their ability to have children by bringing unloved children in to the world.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


Do you plan on having a family?

Marsupialized wrote:First off 'all the biological steps' are as follows:
1. Fucking.
2. Fucking some more.
That's it.

And Holy fuck? How could you sit there as a human being and even consider making a new baby when there are so many children already on this planet who don't have a family? Why shouldn't human beings be forced to clean up their own fucking mess before just plopping out more and more and more kids?
There are millions of orphans out there, alone with nobody. There's kids starving to death right now, there's kids living in boxes on the street and across town Richard and Susie yuppie are spending 10 grand at a fucking fertility clinic trying to have a baby? Huh? What? That's fucking monstrously evil.
I'm supposed to be cool with this shit?
People are ignorant self centered assholes and I hate them to no end.

Take that 10 grand and give someone who's already here a life, you disgusting selfish assholes.

Whoa, slow the fuck down.

Before getting too heated over this, take a look at some of the facts. One *major* thing to consider is that raising an adopted child takes parental skills that raising a natural child doesn't. The reason is that children start developing social and emotional bonds the moment they pop out, and this requires constant nurturing. The wider a baby's gap between being given away and being adopted, the greater the risk of emotional and social impairment. An extreme example: I have an aunt and uncle who adopted a Romanian baby in the early '90s as a toddler. Romanian orphanages are known for neglect, which this kid suffered for 20 months. Long story short, he's pushing 20 now and will live at home for the rest of his life. He, much like others in his predicament, have fairly pronounced Munchausen-by-proxy symptoms that closely resemble high-functioning autism. Most American adopted children are nowhere near this extreme-- one of my high school friends found out he was adopted in junior high-- but he's always been emotionally needy, which is common among both adopted children and children who spent their first years in an abusive/neglectful household, which is a functionally identical situation.

Is the answer to leave those kids behind? Hell no. However, it takes parents with a little extra to raise adopted children to lead full, successful, active, fulfilling lives. It's wrong to judge people simply because they have normal parenting skills, which is insufficient here.
iembalm wrote:Can I just point out, Rick, that this rant is in a thread about a cartoon?

Do you plan on having a family?

FuzzBob wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:First off 'all the biological steps' are as follows:
1. Fucking.
2. Fucking some more.
That's it.

And Holy fuck? How could you sit there as a human being and even consider making a new baby when there are so many children already on this planet who don't have a family? Why shouldn't human beings be forced to clean up their own fucking mess before just plopping out more and more and more kids?
There are millions of orphans out there, alone with nobody. There's kids starving to death right now, there's kids living in boxes on the street and across town Richard and Susie yuppie are spending 10 grand at a fucking fertility clinic trying to have a baby? Huh? What? That's fucking monstrously evil.
I'm supposed to be cool with this shit?
People are ignorant self centered assholes and I hate them to no end.

Take that 10 grand and give someone who's already here a life, you disgusting selfish assholes.

Whoa, slow the fuck down.

Before getting too heated over this, take a look at some of the facts. One *major* thing to consider is that raising an adopted child takes parental skills that raising a natural child doesn't. The reason is that children start developing social and emotional bonds the moment they pop out, and this requires constant nurturing. The wider a baby's gap between being given away and being adopted, the greater the risk of emotional and social impairment. An extreme example: I have an aunt and uncle who adopted a Romanian baby in the early '90s as a toddler. Romanian orphanages are known for neglect, which this kid suffered for 20 months. Long story short, he's pushing 20 now and will live at home for the rest of his life. He, much like others in his predicament, have fairly pronounced Munchausen-by-proxy symptoms that closely resemble high-functioning autism. Most American adopted children are nowhere near this extreme-- one of my high school friends found out he was adopted in junior high-- but he's always been emotionally needy, which is common among both adopted children and children who spent their first years in an abusive/neglectful household, which is a functionally identical situation.

Is the answer to leave those kids behind? Hell no. However, it takes parents with a little extra to raise adopted children to lead full, successful, active, fulfilling lives. It's wrong to judge people simply because they have normal parenting skills, which is insufficient here.

I see, these yuppie couples don't want to adopt out of fear the baby will be low class or 'damaged', they do most likely come from (yuck, can you imagine?) poor people after all....
because yes, it's unheard of that the biological children of yuppie parents come out fucked up, sick or with (gasp) emotional issues.
It's completely unheard of that yuppie parents would ever abuse their children as well.
Now that you spell it out for me here I can totally see where these horrible selfish ignorant people wouldn't even consider adopting a child. It's too much 'work' like you said.

Josef K wrote:For you guys that purport to be pro-choice, you seem to want to limit the choice of people with fertility issues.

Fertility treatment is free in the UK (up to a point).

I don't want to limit anything, I want human beings to start having souls and come to these conclusions on their own.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Do you plan on having a family?

Marsupialized wrote:A steaming heap of shit

What in the fuck is wrong with you? Do I see you adopting children, left, right and centre? Thank fuck Marsupialized is here to save the third world with his generous heart. He doesn't give a shit about all the work that looking after adopted children might entail - he is one selfless motherfucker!

You're sat there going the fuck on about how people who want kids but aren't physically able to are disgusting people if they don't adopt because they leave more unfortunate, ready-existing children parentless. But what the fuck are you doing about it?

Marsupialized wrote:Man, the other day I sat down at the computer and I see the wife was looking at pages about adopting a kid

I hope her and her second husband enjoy that kid they adopt

Oh, you're not doing anything. Why don't you adopt your own child, if you want to set an example to people about how to have "souls"?

You are a fuckwit.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


Do you plan on having a family?

simmo wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:A steaming heap of shit

What in the fuck is wrong with you? Do I see you adopting children, left, right and centre? Thank fuck Marsupialized is here to save the third world with his generous heart. He doesn't give a shit about all the work that looking after adopted children might entail - he is one selfless motherfucker!

You're sat there going the fuck on about how people who want kids but aren't physically able to are disgusting people if they don't adopt because they leave more unfortunate, ready-existing children parentless. But what the fuck are you doing about it?

Marsupialized wrote:Man, the other day I sat down at the computer and I see the wife was looking at pages about adopting a kid

I hope her and her second husband enjoy that kid they adopt

Oh, you're not doing anything. Why don't you adopt your own child, if you want to set an example to people about how to have "souls"?

You are a fuckwit.

I don't want a fucking kid that's why you idiot.

I am not out spending thousands of dollars trying to have one when there are thousands of children in the very city I live in who need a home.
I cannot believe someone could actually somehow in their head defend people doing that. Because it's too much 'work' to raise an adopted kid. What a load of yuppie bullshit. I cannot think of anything more selfish and heartless.

I think of all my friends who were adopted and thank goodness that their parents were not the types of fucking yuppie assholes who think it would be below them to take in a child who needed a family and who weren't so fucking self centered and egotistical that they can't develop a bond with a child unless it's biologically from their superior yuppie genes.

If I did want a kid, I would adopt one I wouldn't have one.
But I don't want one, so I don't.

I have cats, that I adopted.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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