Music that scares you.

someone on here posted a link to an mp3 of random shit the sampler he was mucking about with just started playing randomly at twice the volume of everything else he had been playing.

i wish i still had that mp3. it didn't sound like hell, but it did sound about how i picture the drudgery of the afterlife. all hollow and echoes.

anybody know who that was or still have it? it's in that "ghost stories" thread or something.
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Music that scares you.

Boombats wrote:
Mark Hansen wrote:The soundtrack Coil recorded for the movie Hellraiser (which was never actually used in the movie) is pretty chilling.

Yeah I heard about this, do you have a link?

I also heard they did "Tainted Love" all creepy for an AIDS benefit.

Sorry, I don't have the means right now to post music.

Their version of Tainted Love is wonderfully creepy. I've the video they did for the song is on permanent exhibition at an art museum in NYC.
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