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Rhys Chatham + Manuel G ¶ttsching in NYC, August 15th

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:37 pm
by Ty Webb_Archive
I have no problems with beer or gardens or beer gardens. I do have a problem with going all the way to Queens at 10:00pm from Manhattan, WHICH IS FULL OF BARS.

That's too long to wait for my beer.

Edit: Justin beat me to it.

Rhys Chatham + Manuel G ¶ttsching in NYC, August 15th

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:39 pm
by vockins_Archive
Justin from Queens wrote:As much as it kills me to say it, going to the Beer Garden at about 10PM on a Friday night in August may not be the best way to get drinkin'.

Agreed. I love the Beer Garden. It is great. It's also going to be a total fucking mob scene on Friday.

It was hard to get a beer there when it was half full.

I can only think of Rudy's around there. The other reasonable place I used to go around there got sold and ruined.

Rhys Chatham + Manuel G ¶ttsching in NYC, August 15th

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:29 pm
by burun_Archive
Yeah, Rudy's.

McHale's is gone. I loved that place.

For an area of Manhattan that has at least one residential college, you'd think there would be more bars around there.

Rhys Chatham + Manuel G ¶ttsching in NYC, August 15th

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:49 pm
by Ty Webb_Archive
Don't know how the equipment issue will pan out, but it's a short hop on a train to get to a more bar-friendly part of town.

Rhys Chatham + Manuel G ¶ttsching in NYC, August 15th

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:23 pm
by Christopher J McGarvey_Archive
I was just looking at the weather and was wondering what happens if it's raining tomorrow?

Rhys Chatham + Manuel G ¶ttsching in NYC, August 15th

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:20 pm
by burun_Archive
Today at rehearsal they suggested people get to Damrosch Park early, in case of rain.

I PM'ed you, McGarvey.

Rhys Chatham + Manuel G ¶ttsching in NYC, August 15th

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:04 am
by Maurice_Archive
Good luck tonight, everybody! Sounds like it'll be great!

Rhys Chatham + Manuel G ¶ttsching in NYC, August 15th

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:09 am
by Ty Webb_Archive
They did a nice background piece on Chatham and this event on public radio this morning.

Rhys Chatham + Manuel G ¶ttsching in NYC, August 15th

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:22 am
by jayryan_Archive
Justin from Queens wrote:The issue of dealing with all the gear after the show is a real consideration, though.

says the guy with a passat and a trailer.

Rhys Chatham + Manuel G ¶ttsching in NYC, August 15th

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:25 am
by jayryan_Archive
damn, really wish i could see this thing tomorrow. will listen to the "400 guitars" version of it tomorrow, and will go see nonagon tonight (almost the same thing).

i expect photos.

burun, justin is getting the package, instead. he'll share with you, instead of the other way around.