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j_harvey wrote:
kerble wrote: a "matthew (totally fake)" style 'persona'

Why do these things always take me by surprise? I thought Walter was real too.

Don't worry, this was news to me too. I mean, he put "My name is Matthew Wauck (sp?) and i am a real person" in his sig. I thought that settled that.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Not coming to this forum anymore :( Booo

KillPopRecordsLLC wrote:So what was learned here? That because steve albini is a cool, nice, intelligent, and respectible guy doesnt mean his fans or people on his forum will be at all. Thats what I learned. Why dont you stop quoteing everything I put down and trying to make me look like a idiot (im doing that well enough). Just fucking let it go. I just wanted to inform you guys that your forum douche bags nothing more and than im leaving. So stop this crazy gangbang,

OH MY GOD, what can we do to right this horrible wrong perpetrated on KillPoop?

Oh wait, absolutely nothing.
Available in hit crimson or surprising process this calculator will physics up your kitchen

Not coming to this forum anymore :( Booo

KillPopRecordsLLC wrote:I bet anything you dudes are completely mainstream atleast compared to me.

KillPopRecordsLLC wrote:Sorry its not cookie cutter and mainstream.

You seem obsessed with the "mainstream." You really don't need to prove anything here.

KillPopRecordsLLC wrote:Daniel johnston- pavement- beatles.

I wish you luck in killing pop records.

Try being reasonable and not pitching a fit when you get called out for something stupid. As noted, everyone gets ribbed here at some point. This forum is a spectacular community of people and a literally amazing store of knowledge. If you take off, it's your loss.
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.

Not coming to this forum anymore :( Booo

Hey folks:

re: black belt. yeah I have one in tae kwon do. it's beautiful. all embroidered in korean w/my name, etc. I got it after eight years in maybe 94 (I was 18-ish)? I spent three years in a upper level class @ Kim's academy in Aurora with five or six thirty five year old 2nd degree black belt cops and one one-eyed plumber, and I got my ass handed to me three times a week. more on that in the martial arts thread in c/nc.

re: matthew (totally fake). I was just being a dick. and lying.

re: killpop. he wrote me last night, and was pretty embarrassed about the whole thing. I guess there was enough reason in my post, that he kinda gets it now. I told him to avoid the forum for the entire long weekend (and go have fun and not think about being mad on the interwebs), and to come back tuesday with either a new attitude, and maybe even a new name, should he desire.

I told him he did not have to apologize to us, and we, as a forum, would give him another chance, either way. I think it's fair, and we dog-piled him pretty good, but I think he'll find his place amongst us just fine, right?

don't make a liar out of me (I do enough on my own (see: "matthew fauwcke")), premier cock forum (salut! chuckles). he should get another chance and I'm asking you folks to give that to him as a favor to me and this place.

I'd like to take this time to ask everyone to just try to let go of your anger here from time to time. come here and have a bad day, it's okay. but you all know that EA will give more back to you than you could ever possibly put in. am I right right? oh yes, kerble is right, so yes.

also, salut! forum. you're a whole lotta woman.

Faiz Razi
Behavior Control Technician
kerble is right.

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