What gear do you want right now...

llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:dfglove wrote:Don't buy a brand new pedal steel.Buy an optical volume pedal. Buy a compressor.Buy a height-adjustable bench.Do not buy any pedal steel without access to all three of these things.I have a Fender amp and most of that, but can you recommend an economical bench to buy? Some of these seats are around $200.Just to throw in something that they will almost never tell you ahead of time...There is a whole black science to getting the...- Tuned Strings- Knee Levers- Pedals ... all actually anywhere near in tune at the same time.During the stretch where I owned a pedal steel, a friend happened to mention that the Peterson pedal tuners had "Presets"(I believe that Peterson use the term "Sweeteners" for a few things, including E9 and C6 pedal steel) that made a huge difference in getting his fussy pedal steel in tune.There is no way that I can stress enough how much easier this pedal will make your life should you decide to buy a pedal steel. Could not believe that I had ever tried to tune the thing without it.https://www.petersontuners.com/products/stompclassic/

What gear do you want right now...

I have one of those for regular guitar! I found a pedal steel that some people said was a good deal. I guess that s assuming it works but I also found a guy 20 minutes down the road in Louisiana who can work on them. This past week I was just FB messaging these old local pedal steel guys out of the blue asking them certain questions, and they ve all been really helpful with information or offering to show me the way around on them a little.

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