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Bandcamp is a holy shit hell fuck bonkers crazy go nuts tool

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:00 pm
by rephophagist_Archive
flanneljammies wrote:Is this the mobile app?I saw it on the mobile site last night for the first time when checking out the new Brown Acid comp.At the risk of being a pedantic shit: Bandcamp doesn't own the data from these; Google does. They're just the same recaptcha that were previously used to scan books. Being careful about bots is a good look for them, since any service that moves money between two other parties can be used to test stolen credit cards or launder money.

Bandcamp is a holy shit hell fuck bonkers crazy go nuts tool

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:00 pm
by DrAwkward_Archive
Russell's a robot everyone pass it on

Bandcamp is a holy shit hell fuck bonkers crazy go nuts tool

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:00 pm
by flanneljammies_Archive
Me Again wrote:the higher purpose behind Bandcamp's Verify you're not a robot tests is to train the A.I. for self-driving cars.I have literally never seen such a captcha on Bandcamp.

Bandcamp is a holy shit hell fuck bonkers crazy go nuts tool

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:00 pm
by flanneljammies_Archive
Weird. That's never happened to me!?!?!Is this the mobile app? I've only ever used the website.

Bandcamp is a holy shit hell fuck bonkers crazy go nuts tool

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:00 pm
by Me Again_Archive
flanneljammies wrote:Me Again wrote:the higher purpose behind Bandcamp's "Verify you're not a robot" tests is to train the A.I. for self-driving cars.I have literally never seen such a captcha on Bandcamp.I see it nearly every time, upon logging in. Here, just now, are two examples, when I logged into both bands' accounts:Trainin' robits!

Bandcamp is a holy shit hell fuck bonkers crazy go nuts tool

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:00 pm
by Me Again_Archive
flanneljammies wrote:Is this the mobile app?No. I don't have a smart phone.But I'm an android and don't really need one. Some internet sites, though, I can't access with my mind, so I just use a regular computer.I think Bandcamp zeroed in on me because they became aware of my knife skills...

Bandcamp is a holy shit hell fuck bonkers crazy go nuts tool

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 7:00 pm
by hellholiday_Archive
What do folks usually charge for their download? Normally I've been usually in the 5-8 dollar range. The last thing I put out is at 3 bucks for 9 songs. For me when bands are 10 or above for the digital download it keeps me from buying. I'd rather see if they have a cd for that much or a couple bucks more.

Bandcamp is a holy shit hell fuck bonkers crazy go nuts tool

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 7:00 pm
by Justin Foley_Archive
Pay what you want.= Justin

Bandcamp is a holy shit hell fuck bonkers crazy go nuts tool

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:00 pm
by cneutron_Archive
Pure L wrote:Back in the day there was a link to create download codes (like, print them out on paper) so that one could insert them into their album sleeve. I'm either blind or too dense to find that link now. Is it possible anymore?Still there.You can print a sheet or do a Mail merge.I use them constantly.It s under tools.

Bandcamp is a holy shit hell fuck bonkers crazy go nuts tool

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:00 pm
by Pure L_Archive
Back in the day there was a link to create download codes (like, print them out on paper) so that one could insert them into their album sleeve. I'm either blind or too dense to find that link now. Is it possible anymore?